Barack Obama’s night of a thousand czars

We hope Obama's czars start wearing fancy uniforms with epaulets and gold braid like their Russian imperial predecessors
We hope Obama's czars start wearing fancy uniforms with epaulets and gold braid like their Russian imperial predecessors

If there’s a crisis, an issue, even a question in Washington, President Obama will appoint a Czar to manage it. He’s named more than 20 of them so far.

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd believes these Czars give the president too much power. He said the Czar system “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances” and he points out that the power to oversee federal agencies is supposed to be reserved for officials approved by the Senate.

“…these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, or to virtually anyone but the president,” Byrd noted. “They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability.”

Let us sum this up in three words: Obama Power Grab.

Here’s a list of Obama’s many power-grabbing czars: Af-Pak (Afghanistan-Pakistan) Czar, Border Czar, Car Czar, Climate Czar, Cyber Security Czar, Drug Czar, Economic Czar, Energy Czar, Faith-based Czar, Great Lakes Cleanup Czar, Guantanamo Closure Czar, Health Reform Czar, Infotech Czar, Iran Czar, Middle East Czar, Pay Czar, Persian Gulf & Southwest Asia Czar, Regulatory Czar, Stimulus Accountability Czar, Sudan Czar, TARP Czar, Terrorism Czar, Urban Czar, and last in alphabetical order, but not least, Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar

It appears, however, that President Obama has neglected to appoint Czars in some very important areas. We urge that he act immediately to name outstanding liberal Americans to fill these voids:

Biden Czar – someone to keep the Veep from saying stupid things that embarrass the administration and all Americans
Teleprompter Czar – someone to make sure that the President’s favorite electronic device is always working
Pantsuit Czar – someone to make sure Hillary never wears anything but pantsuits
Limbaugh Czar – someone to oversee regulation of conservative talk radio
Middle Name Czar – someone to make sure the name “Hussein” is never used unless the President is speaking in a Muslim country
Date Night Czar – someone to schedule taxpayer-funded romantic getaways for the President and First Lady
DoubleSpeak Czar – someone to keep track of all the Obama administration’s new terminology (like changing “Terrorism” to “Man-Caused Disaster”)
Power Grab Czar – someone to be Czar over all the other Czars

Any we left out? Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.

If there’s one thing Obama should keep in mind, it’s that things didn’t work out to well for the Russian Czars in the long run.

Source: Reuters, CBS News

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