“Impartial” PBS journalist wants Democrats to politicize the census

census 2010Taxpayer-funded PBS journalist Bonnie Erbe has some advice for Democrats: politicize the 2010 Census, then use the biased numbers to jam pack Congress full of left wing wackos.

“Depoliticize the Census?” PSB “journalist” she wrote in her blog at US News & World Report. “Surely they jest!”

“The Census is part of the spoils of victory for whichever party controls the White House at the turn of each decade,” she added. “Gerrymandering—using Census data to create voting districts that artificially lean toward one end of the political spectrum or the other—is as uniquely an American tradition as Thanksgiving. The thought of trying to depoliticize the census is, well, decidedly un-American.”

Let us now translate Erbe’s concluding sentence.

What she said was, “So gerrymander away with the 2010 Census and spare us the theatrics of trying to look nonpartisan.”

What she meant was, “This could guarantee another generation of funding for the partisan hacks at PBS.”

Link: Bonnie Erbe’s blog

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