A year ago, 49 people died at Pulse nightclub. Today, Orlando remembers.

A year ago, 49 people died at Pulse nightclub. Today, Orlando remembers. Here we have the Washington Post avoiding calling this what it really was, which is an act of Muslim terrorism. Yet another reason we hate the media. According to WaPo it’s:

  • A mass shooting
  • A massacre
  • Gunman Omar Mateen
  • Gun violence
  • Bloodshed
  • Lost their lives

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (7)

  • When some wife beating ass hole is screaming al akbar as they are shooting up the place. It's a hate crime being committed by the "religion of peace". The limp :;(k media can not and will not call out the goat loving, wife beating, non bathing, child molester followers out for what they are. islamic terrorist, you can bet your ass they'd be out screaming if Christians were committing these acts. Yet all you hear are crickets or bull shit political correctness. Well that political correctness got 49 people killed a year ago.

  • The Washington Compost couldn't find the truth if it bit them on the ass.
    I don't believe a word they print.

  • Think how much a progressive must endure as he copes with the cognitive dissonance required to both unfailingly support gays and Muslims. The struggle is real.