Frequency Asked Questions

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What’s with the name of your site?

“I hate the media.”

Of course you do. You’ve said it. We’ve said it. Hell, everyone’s said it. Day in and day out, we’re bombarded by blatant bias. Insulted by idiot anchors. Harangued by Hollywood halfwits. Aurally assaulted by so-called singers.

Television. Radio. Newspapers. Magazines. Films. Music. They all deserve to die slow, painful deaths. Oh, what’s that? They are dying slow, painful deaths? Well, in that case, it appears that life really is fair.

Our goal at “I Hate the Media” is to point out all the bias and the blindness. All the lies and the lunacy. All the fakes and the phonies. All the morons and the myopic.

The thing is, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

Who is behind

See our Staff page.

Why should I register an account? I don’t need it to read, and I don’t need it to post comments?

Creating an account for yourself allows you to post comments more quickly because you do not have to key in your name and email address with every comment. In addition, you will be able to lock in the user name of your choice, before someone else grabs it.

How do I put my photo or image with my comments like some of the other commenters?

The images you see in the comments are called Gravatars. These are images recognized by most web sites, and are associated with an email address. If you do not have a gravatar set up, a site-wide default image will be shown in it’s place. Getting a gravatar is free, and simple. Just go to

How can I help

By spreading the word

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If you run a blog of your own, please include us in your Blogroll. And feel free to use excerpts of our articles in your own posts, including a link back to our article.

By sending us tips

We are always on the lookout for new things to write about. If you see something you think might be of interest to us please email

Make a donation: If you feel so inclined, a donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. To do so, just go to the donation page.

Can I write for

Yes! We are always looking for authors. Please read our page, Become an contributor.

(More coming on RSS feeds, Twitter, various functions of our website…)