Maryland Democrat calls Prince Georges County a n***er district


Maryland Democrat calls Prince George’s County a “n***er district.” And she defended herself by saying everyone in the Democrat Party talks like that. Furthermore, “I’ve used the f-word. I’ve used the Lord’s name in vain.” In other words, get off her back, people, that’s just the way Democrats talk.

This post was last modified on February 27, 2019

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (12)

  • FTA: "Imagine the outrage if a Republican was caught making a similar statement about black Americans."

    I'm pretty worn out from playing that game for the past 30 years. We all know what the answer is. I can't even drag that question up anymore.

  • The word is only a problem when white people use it. Blacks call each other gars all the time, it is in their c-rap music, it's as common a word as ahole in certain circles.

  • Proof positive as to which political party is the bigot racist homophob. When will the apologies start flying

  • Having lived in that sh!thole for awhile, this does not surprise me. An AA friend of mine became a PG's county cop back in the late 80s and hated it. One of his first calls, he and his (white) partner got called to a homicide. His partner told him to confirm the person was dead so he went over and nudged him with his foot.

    He applied to be a MD state trooper not long afterward and bolted as soon as he was accepted so he didn't have to be stuck dealing with the city. Black folks assumed he would give them a pass because he was black. Nope. After that they would call him Officer Uncle Tom.

  • Yea and All the fake newsies are watching Cohen lie to congress and this gets virtually no coverage. Where are Sharpton, Jackson, Crazie Louie on this? Again had this been a republican man, the villagers would have already burned down the house with torches, the free shit shopping riots would be well under way, and Maryland's moronic governor would be calling for martial law to take guns from everyone but criminals.

    I am so sick of this shit, one set of rules (none) for demotards and lots of laws and rules for everyone else.

    To Kinda use her own style of language, Lady you are a rude, self important C*nt!

  • Please wake me up when the first BLM demonstrators show up outside Del. Lisanti's house to protest her revelation that Democrats frequently use vile racial epithets to describe black people.

    • She's already gone before Maryland's black caucus to apologize and they didn't sound super forgiving. According to one of them, being drunk isn't a good excuse because it shows what is truly in her heart. Now if only that person would get it though his thick skull that this is how almost ALL Democrats think, that racial division is built into the party's DNA...