Republicans Prefer Blunt Talk About Islamic Extremism, Democrats Favor Caution


Republicans Prefer Blunt Talk About Islamic Extremism, Democrats Favor Caution. Based upon Pew’s surveys, Republicans appear to be like their chosen mascot, the bull elephant. We suggest the Democrats switch from the donkey to the ostrich.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Cowards, Liars and Cheats always voice caution, when it comes to issues of true import, like the Muslim invasion Obama is foisting on us, as a national work of mercy for all of those poor, victimized, abandoned women and children from the very depths of third world Syria, oh, the humanity! What a snake oil salesman! What unmitigated BS! This is hijrah, pure and simple and we are getting boned! It will not be pretty when the Muslim population reaches more than 10 per cent (it should not even have been allowed to reach point one per cent) of the national population. They will not be nice, nor will they assimilate, nor will they leave you alone, nor will they respect your rights, nor will they respect your property, nor will they respect your religious views, (if you have any), nor will they respect your dignity as a human, because, well, to a devout Muslim, you are not human.

    If you are a non-believing male, you will be killed outright, unless of course, you repeat the Shahada and convert to Islam, then they will kill you for not being authentically Muslim and if you are a non-believing female, your only use is to sexually pleasure any adult male Muslim who demands sex from you, whenever he demands sex from you and if you do not give it to him, you will be brutally beaten, raped and possibly murdered any way.

    Yeah, wonderful people these devout Muslims the media wants you to believe have somehow been radicalized. These are the true believers and the rest, the quiet ones, the moderate ones are the apostates who are keeping their heads down when the alligators walk into the room, because they prefer to be the last ones to be is a survival thing you know, and they have an edge over you simply because they are already Muslim. Do not kid yourself...things will not be pretty if the progressives get their way, because you will be sacrificed on the altar of Political Correctness and you will be afforded no safe place to hide. How is all that hope and change shit working out for you?

    Now, consider your country fundamentally changed, unless you plan to help the rest of us xenophobic, racist, bigoted homophobic, white privileged, gun grasping, flag waving, bible thumping, tea-baggers prevent that from happening!


    (And where in the Hell did all of those stupid slant bars before and after the apostrophes come from????? I had to spend twenty minutes editing them out of my comments, just so you could read it and not think I am a complete idiot....crickets..)

    • " nor will they respect your religious views, (if you have any)"

      Nor will they respect your lack of religious views, if you don't have any, They don't even respect OTHER MUSLIM'S religious views, if they differ from their own in any way. How could they be expected to respect anyone else?

  • In reading the headline for this story I've seen all that I need to. When it comes to national security, personal self defense, proper word terminology (seeing and calling things for what they are, no PC bullshit) the Democrats are pussies.

  • Islam is the religion of murderers and rapists. There, I said it so lets see if the trolls come out and try to tell me I am un-American or even wrong. I can post a thousand articles proving my case in about one minute.

  • I don't know about you folks, but I don't see myself saying nice things about a cult / religion who hates me and my way of life enough to cut off my head.

  • Those of us who are firm believers in the US Constitution have no problem calling out evil and calling it what it is. Leave it to the dip shits and the RINOs to cower in the corner and back away from facing pure evil.