Alleged “Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker taken in for interviewing by deputies

filmmaker taken by deputies

Alleged “Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker taken in for interviewing by deputies. Is this the US or North Korea? Because the truth of the matter is this fellow’s real “crime” has nothing to do with Muslims’ hurt feelings, no one really gives a damn about that. His real “crime” is making Dear Leader look bad during his re-coronation campaign.

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (25)

  • This an attempt to appease the unappeasable by barry. Where's the progressives now, where's Hildabeast or for that matter the ACLU? Live by what you claim is your right. It's every Americans right to debate as well as disagree.

    There's no reason for this guy to be perp walked like this except to show the heathens of the Arab world that "by allah I'm getting tough about this. The Constitution be damn".

    Leinn and Hitler both have to be so proud of this action.

  • Where's Al Gorelioni and his "Inconvenient Truth" shit when you need kick around? Is he no longer carrying water for progressives, or is he just too damn wealthy to get his pinkies dirty anymore?

  • "[Updated at 1:40 a.m. Saturday: Whitmore told the Times that Nakoula was taken in for a voluntary interview with probation officials and has not been arrested or detained.]"

    Uhm .... "probation officials" are now wearing sheriff's dept uniforms, with sheriff's badges on the sleeves? I thought "probation officials" wear civvies. But I don't have personal experience with this, so what the hell do I know?

    • A probation violation is a handy reason to sweep him up and detain him. Tyrants love to invent handy excuses for what they do.

  • All of the Progressives who were in hysterics for eight years when Bush II was "shredding" the Constitution seem to have come down with laryngitis now that Barry & Eric are putting their interpretation of "...shall pass no law..." into effect.

  • He violated his parole, hence deputies not men in black. He was convicted of fraud, want to say $700,000+.

    • We don't kow that he violated parole. He claims he did not make the film, nor direct it, but was a "logistics" manager. Now that they have told the world (literally) where he and his family live, I fully expect a bombing there soon. He has been removed to another location. WOnder where?

    • I wasn't making a case one way or the other, only stating facts. Just saw it and haven't thought it through but wanted to add that to the conversation.

      • Did he violate his parole, sure. But is parole supposed to deny a person their right to free speech? I think the internet is an arm of that right considering a person can reach so many people. It's a difficult situation though because: a. he committed bank fraud, who cares, I'm surprised he's not been elected to congress yet. b. he did not access the internet for the purposes of committing bank fraud. c. this is the almighty arm of the government trying to blame someone else for their own mistakes and incompetence.

        What you added to the conversation is of great interest and promotes philosophical inquiry. There's many avenues that this conversation could go down.

        • Not using the 'nets or a computer was a condition of the parole he agreed to, how do you get a Youtube channel without using a compter? That's all I said, jayzuz people.

    • That may be true but the timing is certainly suspicious. That the authorities weren't interested enough in his parole violations and $700,000 fraud to bother questioning him BEFORE his name popped up in association with this film seems fishy to me. I understand that the bureaucracy loses track of people and parking tickets/traffic stops are a common way they catch crooks. But like I say, in this day of selective prosecution (like Gibson Guitar) you have to wonder about the priorities. And even though they are deputies, not Feds, it is California, a one party state. If this sounds paranoid, all I gotta say is look at the last 3 1/2 years and tell me it's ridiculous.

      • I understand that the bureaucracy loses track of people

        You mean people like the ones with expired visas?
        No, can't go after them, that would be racist.

    • Also part of the statist playbook. That's why the left constantly passes new laws, so that when push comes to shove a good reason can be found to arrest anybody. This guy's violation was obvious and handily deflects blame from the government, but ask yourself: WHAT KIND OF GOVERNMENT LOOKS FOR A REASON TO ARREST DISSENTERS IN THE FIRST PLACE? Who does that? Who decided to sweep this guy into custody to mollify Muslim savages?

      What could they arrest you for if they didn't like you? Did you drink a large soda in New York? Did you talk on your cellphone in the car? Did you smoke in a public place where they've outlawed smoking? We don't want to live in this kind of place. We've seen what happens.

    • Ghost I hope that is true and not Obama trashing the constitution. He has done enough of that already.

  • Looks like this Marxist Administration just found a possible way to stifle the First Amendment.

  • Agreed JP & Bonfire. Right out of North Korea or the good 'old USSR. Making a faked up perp to deflect the blame from Chairman O.

  • This is truly scary stuff. We have the Chariman of the Joint Chiefs trying to get a pastor to shut up, now we have the Justice Department being used to enforce ideas. Wake up, America.

    • The Obama Brown Shirts are tipping their hand too soon. They were supposed to wait until after he wins the election to start the facist agenda.

      What ever happened to free speech? I thought that was why people came here, to get away from the governments that supressed their dissention.
      Now we have the military top brass threatening pastors, the (in)Justice Dept suing polling companies, and the police questioning filmmakers.

      How long before the brown shirts start burning books? We already have "security and safety" cameras watching nearly everything we do.
      Ray Bradbury and George Orwell weren't fiction writers, they were oracles!