Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns

Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns. Is Bundy II about to happen? In our opinion it seems the Federal Government is getting very high-handed these days. When we were young you generally didn’t see this type of animosity, the government was there to help you, not screw you over.

Mosque Linked To Muslim Brotherhood Has Received Millions In Federal Grants

Mosque Linked To Muslim Brotherhood Has Received Millions In Federal Grants. We have to wonder how much of this ends up a) in DNC coffers and b) in the hands of some terrorist group(s) directly or indirectly?

The Islamic Center of Greater Kansas City has received $2,739,891 from the Department of Agriculture since 2010, a Daily Caller analysis has found. The money largely went to the mosque’s Crescent Clinic to provide services through the Women, Infant and Children nutrition program, known as WIC.

ISIS release ‘rape handbook’ to fighters, with 15 sickening new rules revealed

ISIS release ‘rape handbook’ to fighters, with 15 sickening new rules revealed. Aww those nice Muslims making certain rape and slavery are done in a proper manner. No wonder Obama wants to bring hundreds of thousands of them over. We just can’t wait for their Handbook on Goat Sex.

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order. This is what happens when liberals take over. They just love confiscating guns, money, property and most of all constitutional rights.

Virginia Lawmakers May Take Away Anti-Gun Governor’s Body Guards

Virginia Lawmakers May Take Away Anti-Gun Governor’s Body Guards. We heartily encourage this. Time to play hardball with the gun grabbers. Perhaps Congress should take away all arms from Obama’s secret service protection for starters?

Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees

Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees. Looks like one liberal family has had an epiphany. Do we feel sorry for them? Not  one bit. Note you don’t see jack about the police doing anything.

Andrew and Ray Wartnaby

One person shows up to O’Malley event in Iowa, remains uncommitted

One person shows up to O’Malley event in Iowa, remains uncommitted. In our humble opinion perhaps he should be committed, like for counseling.

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