American media blacks out Snowden interview


American media blacks out Snowden interview. On Sunday there was a major political event in the rest of the world: NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with a German television network. No one covered the event in the U.S. and YouTube keeps taking down the video as fast as it’s posted. Welcome to the (Dis) Information Age.

This post was last modified on March 13, 2021

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (11)

  • Obviously, Dear Leader doesn't want to risk another murderous protest somewhere in the world due to a Youtube vid.

  • Wonder what he said and exposed that makes the msm look stupid and the administration look like the communist lying bastards they are.

  • Nothing the Stasi Democrat communist pigs hate worse then being ratted out by one of their own.

    • Those who are most pissed over what Snowden did are the same people who look the worst, or support those people politically. There really needs to be a purge of anyone & EVERYONE involved in these programs who were about the domestic side of this story. I expect our intel to be snooping on foreign entities, but they should not be spying on Americans without real oversight by the justice dept, & NEVER for political reasons. They were caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar, & will never forgive Snowden for proving that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    • You can watch the whole thing at the link. I have to say, Snowden is very impressive - well spoken, logical, and knowledgeable. Whatever your opinion of him going in, you'll upgrade it after watching the interview.

      • I will admit that for a time there, I was taken in by the media storm about him being a traitor, etc. But that didn't last long. The more I learned about the NSA and it's spying on us, the more I was impressed with his integrity.
        I am not totally convinced that it was integrity that urged him to do this, but whatever his motivation, he has shown a bright light on governmental abuse.

        • I agree. Not saying I want to have dinner with Snowden or think he is a nice guy but he did us a favor by exposing how bad the spying is.

        • I always had a feeling... reading between the lines in what was available, that he was a man saying "no mas" in the only way he could.