Armed teachers, guards key to school security in Israel

Armed teachers, guards key to school security in Israel. More of the common sense liberals run away from because they can’t seem to imagine anything outside of their little world.

“From what I know of almost all of the active shooter events in the U.S., almost all of them conclude with the shooter taking his own life the moment he is challenged by the first officer on the scene,” Zwerling said. “Why not challenge him earlier?”

Why not? Because then liberal gun-control advocates won’t be able to use dead kids to confiscate firearms, that’s why.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (37)

  • Poppajoe49,

    You know why we cant adopt the Israel's methods, is because they work and it would make the dim wits look flat out stupid. I've made friends with people from Israel. They can not believe just how naive and stupid we are when it comes to dealing with the evil that is hell bent on destroying us. Both foreign and domestic.

  • We aren't allowed to adopt Israel's methods of airport security, so why would we be allowed to adopt their school security measures?
    Seems like this liberal culture we have here has adopted a plan of "if it works, we can't do it".

        • Where did I claim to be educated?
          I finished High School in the top 10% of my class, but didn't go to college until I was in the military, and then only finished a little over a year of school. However, just because I use plain language, doesn't mean I'm not smarter than you.
          Attacking someone's education is the first sign of stupidity.

          • @ xgman ( I C&Pd that, couldn't stand to type it)
            Why would such a Mac enthusiast come here to 'slum', unless he really thought he was trolling? Check out the little people, eh?

            "I doubt we will see any retina imac anytime soon. I would be happy however to see any sort of new imac at this point even with the exact same screen it has now."

            {2010 Mac Pro-6 core 3.33-12gb 1333 ram-ati5870-velociraptor 600's-SL/win7/64-Konnekt Live/Onkyo-Dell3007wfp}
            {2008 Mac Pro-8 core 3.2's-16GB-evga285} {MBP17}{ipad}{iphone 4 blk16gb}
            PS, your security sucks, I didn't do it but could have.

          • Late to this one, but that looks like it had to hurt, and the blood, those swift cuts never hurt til you notice the leakage

          • You really are a moron!
            If you had a clue what we are talking about, you might not look so stupid.
            drb just whacked you, and you don't even know it.

          • Am I going to have to start calling him Dear Sweet Xgman? And patting him on his pointy little head?

    • Another comment from the resident asshole....I have seen five year olds who are smarter than you....

      • I thought the juvie case worker was supposed to tell it not to be on-line, as part of the plea bargain.

        (that was a double sarcasm for you guys, NSS got it I'm sure)

  • Liberals wouldn't know evil if it stared them in the face and lied to them, "Dear Leader" being a prime example.

  • The Israelis have it correct. They know how to deal with evil and they train those who are in a position of teaching, transporting and other aspects of Israeli life what to do when evil is present and how to neutralize it.

    It's time that the weak kneed left accept that not everyone is of good intentions and that evil will always attempt to cause misery.

  • Yes! Either they give up or they kill themselves. It is like clockwork. Before the shooting they research places that are most vulnerable for the victims. The solutions are simple:

    1. Make all places where there will be vulnerable victims (which is everywhere) not gun free zones and have strict but fair conceal weapon laws.
    2. In case the guy is more nutso than reasonable make damn sure that there are at least two armed guards and perhaps a front desk administrator with a concealed weapon in places that have more than 5-10 people in places not their homes.
    3. Within the gun laws, make it difficult for someone that has a person with mental issues to get a gun. They can have the gun if there is someone in charge of making sure the person is getting treatment or that the person can be committed in case the person turns violent and that the guns are not easily accessible to that person and that person is not taught to use the weapons effectively.
    4. Make it stiff penalty if people do not tell the police that their guns have been stolen from the stores or their homes. If the gun has been used in a crime the previous owner should either do some jail time and/or pay a hefty fee.
    5. Stiffer penalty for those using weapons in crimes.

    I think these are reasonable and it presents a good start. Why is it that money is protected but not the people? It makes no sense.

    • It makes perfect sense to me. It was never about protection. If it was, they'd take a look at the numbers, and see that an armed society is a polite society, and move on to the next. It's about removing another roadblock to implementing a totalitarian all-powerful state. Logic is not required -- in fact, logic here for the liberal is an impediment.

      This is a calculated plan, dependent upon self-delusion to keep people in vulnerable positions and use that to deny other people a right to something they cannot comprehend. It would be like me saying "Since I don't understand why anyone would need insulin, you don't need it, either."

      • Interesting. Yet many of them especially if they are in politics or are celebrities do have guns even if indirectly through armed guards... it makes no sense to me. Are these people saying in essence that since my life is not as precious or important as theirs, they don't see the need for me to have a weapon to (possibly) protect myself if the need arise? :-/ Or are they afraid of me going after them? Why would they fear that? They aren't all that!

      • Yeah, remember that El Al flight that got hijacked last year and they blew up everybody on board?