Colorado State University Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research

Colorado State University Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research. We suspicion this will be the first of a long list of ghoulish clients.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • I just keep picturing some retard from Planned Abortionhood standing on a street corner with a trench coat and opening as you walk by, Pssssssst hey buddy...wanna buy some parts cheap? How about a watch?

  • We are done as a society. The cultural Marxists have succeeded. It took 100 years but they did it. Any moral high ground we may have had after defeating Nazism and the USSR is lost.

    Meanwhile the Pope is waving a red banner.

    • Hitler´s economic policies worked while Roosevelt´s economic policies worked much less, then faced another crash in 1937-1938.
      Both wanted to be dictators but only one was actually talented and inspired enough to pull it off.

      Roosevelt´s willingness to enter WW2 was out of envy-born hatred, to destroy the model that had worked, unlike his own.
      If there hadn't been any German model to get ideas from, the New Deal would have been even less successful and he only got re-elected in 1940 due to the fall of France.
      Just the same, today´s leftist hatred toward Stalin in particular and Soviet communism until Gorbatchev in general is motivated by envy... soviet communism held the kind of power western cultural-marxists and bankster pimps actually wants but have, so far, failed to achieve.
      What is worst that when Gorbatchev applied their ideology to the Soviet-Union and Soviet bloc, far from Chinese-level growth, it collapsed and exposed the kleptocracy that exists behind their ideology.

      If you want to know what kind of society cultural-marxists actually want, just read books by Anne Applebaum or Robert Conquest.
      These books are not meant to discuss the past, they are mean as a blueprint for the future society and how to deal with those pesky dissidents.

      • Not sure if today's leftists hatred is envy or anger over the failure of the model. It would be much more palpable for them if someone else had been successful in their communism.

  • And nary a peep from the DOJ or the Colorado Attn. General?
    I guess it depends on what your definition of felony is.

  • Keep in mind: The left doesn't want bio-tech companies to experiment on mice or rats.

    Humans? Well...

  • I don't care what side of the abortion fence you're on, this is just sick. Plus, that "woman", casually discussing their "process" while eating? Obviously a goddamn psychopath.

    This country is going to hell in a hand basket.

    • I guess if you can manipulate a baby in the womb so as to make sure you can harvest the parts your customers want, eating while discussing shit like this is easy. You have to have a black heart to do this. This woman will spend eternity in Hellfire, and that thought is what will make me sleep well.