Concealed Carrier With Epic ‘Stache Saves Texas Deputy

Concealed Carrier With Epic ‘Stache Saves Texas Deputy. One for the good guys. Yet the liberals think no one but them should have a gun or carry one.

This post was last modified on February 11, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • This is what the real America is about, the America the lame stream media and gun grabbing politicians are scared to death of. They don't want everyone to know the truth, it goes against the "us versus them" mentality they keep trying to spread.

  • Real Americans act like this, help when help is needed without worrying about yourself. I have seen citizens do it many times, stop and help, pull someone from a burning car, Kept someone from bleeding to death, stopped to give CPR. I had the opportunity to write many of these people up for awards from the city for their efforts. Everyone was different, everyone would have been someone you looked at and at first glance said, that person is not the type to help.

    For this guy I have only admiration and a sincere thank you for stopping to help. I hope that if I am ever in a bad situation, someone like this guy comes along, instead one of the freeshit crowd.

    • People would probably look at me and think that I wouldn't be one to help too, but I'm one of the first to help.
      While his moustache is rather epic, I was expecting to see a Sam Elliott look alike.