Congress passes bill renewing anti-violence law

Congress passes bill renewing anti-violence law. We predict this will work about as well as the gun free, drug free and child molester free zones around schools. More fluff so we think Congress is actually doing something besides feathering their own nests and getting reelected.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (5)

  • Now if we could get Congress to pass an anti-stupid law.... Oh wait, they'd have to exempt themselves wouldn't they.

  • Now they can afford to furlough all those police that the sequester won't pay for!
    No violence law = no violence! Just like gun free zones = no guns, and drug free school zones = no drugs!

  • Thank goodness. Now the violence in Shitcagahole will finally stop. After all, violence is now against the law now, so that's that.

  • Another liberal/Rino bullshit moment, just so Congress can tell the low intelligence voters back home they are doing something and fighting the good fight, and most of the drooling libturds will swallow this crap.

  • Yep not worth the damn papers and trees used to print this feel good law.

    Better to arm yourself and be able to use it, than to depend on a POS legislation to protect you.