Dear Pope: Jesus Himself Manufactured a Weapon; Is Christ Not Christian?

Dear Pope: Jesus Himself Manufactured a Weapon; Is Christ Not Christian? Oops! You’d think the head of the Catholic Church would know this.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Uhm... lol

    Christ is not a Christian... He is not a follower of Himself. That would be... odd. He is the Son of G-D and Divine Himself. He is the King and Leader not a follower of Himself. He set up/created the Faith, He is not a follower of it per se. If anything He followed Judaism during His time on Earth. He was a Jew while on Earth.

    Now... I understand very well the point that is being made. The Lord Jesus did not have a problem with self defense and even mentioned that if He wanted to defend Himself, He very easily could do it, choosing not to as that would go against the big plan. He DID fashion for Himself a weapon to use against those that were dishonoring the Temple, so if the Lord Jesus Himself could manufacture a weapon, His followers can as well and not be any less of a His followers for doing so. So yes good point, just saying that all in all Christ wasn't a Christian lol.

  • The current pope is merely the latest in a long line of belligerent anti-christ religious leaders.

  • I like the very first comment made by Cassandra...

    "The Pope must have a pretty low opinion of Jesus since Jesus recognized the importance of self-defense when he told his disciples that if they didn’t have a sword they should sell their cloaks and buy one"! Luke 22:36

    The sixth commandment should be interpreted "Thou shall not murder". There is nothing wrong with self defense, or those that provide the means for it. Here, Jesus Himself encourages it by telling His disciples to sell their clothes if necessary in order to buy a weapon.

    • No irreverence intended, but if Jesus were here today, it might be "sell your Wifi games and buy an AR-15, for evil has come and knows no bounds".

      • Someone needs to remind Glenn Beck of this passage. He keeps telling his audience that they should go for peaceful resistance, and not use weapons. But then, he has armed bodyguards.

        • He wore a kevlar vest in his thing he did a few years ago... he does have bodyguards so he is talking out of his ass

  • When the pope gives up the armed body guards, the bullet proof car and walks among his people. Then he can make stupid ass statements. This one is more in lines with the communist who all hate religion and especially Christians