Democrat governor fiancée broke immigration law


Democrat governor’s fiancée broke immigration law. In 1997 an Ethiopian named Abraham Abraham paid her $5,000 for a sham marriage so he could stay in the U.S. If she was Republican this would be a scandal – because she’s Democrat, this will be seen as heroic. (We might even see her running for governor of Texas someday.)

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (6)

  • Will the lovey govey be granting a pardon for this scheme? He should've put that security detail to work doing a more thorough back ground check on the states First Lady. Seems she's been busy making some Benjamins the illegal way. What other stories might pop up if some basic journalism would be done?

  • So does this mean she's a used up worn out ole piece of Ethiopian lust meat? She must be superb at "ME love you all night long G.I." action to be able to secure a governor's bed. She looks like a deer starring in the headlights in that picture.

  • A demotard breaks the law...daily occurrence...She only outed herself to keep the press from splattering it on page one since she is getting married to a governor..