Extra Crispy? California Solar Farm Killed 3,500 Birds

Extra Crispy? California Solar Farm Killed 3,500 Birds. The only way you get these is blackened. Cajun seasoning anyone?


This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (11)

  • It's clear GW Bush, funded by the Kock Bros., is intentionally sending birds to their deaths to try to stop green energy in favor of big oil. It is settled science and fact. A ast right-wing conspiracy...

  • Hey, those pesky birds are blocking all that vital sunlight that they concentrate into enough energy to suck every dollar out of your wallet.

  • Hahaha...Cajun seasoning anyone? That's some funny stuff.

    It is starting to come out more and more that wind farms have the same problem. On the caprock east of where I live an energy company built over 250 of these wind generators and they are huge. The towers are 200 feet tall with three blades 90 feet long. They generate enough electricity to supply a town of about 5,000. That's it. A string of wind generators over 60 miles long can barely supply a wide spot on the highway.

    I live in eastern New Mexico, which is in a major migration route for migratory birds. We see geese, snow geese and several species of wild ducks come through every year, most of which are on the endangered species list. We have several kinds of hawks, golden eagles, crows, dove, owls, all kinds of birds that live here year round. A friend of mine works for the company maintains these wind towers. They do not have to report bird killings, endangered or not, to anyone. Nobody wants to hear about it! When they find a dead bird they leave it for the coyotes or bury it and keep their mouths shut.

    I guess the eco-freaks who love green energy so much do not want to hear about the damage solar and wind plants do to the wildlife they also claim to love so much. Hypocrites is all they are.

  • As long as not one single sea bird gets any oil on it at all, it is all worth it to an eco-fascist.