FAKE NEWS: LAPD, MEDIA TOUT ROCKET LAUNCHER SEIZURE THAT WASN’T. According to Chief Barney Fife Chief Charlie Beck, they got two rocket launchers. What they actually got were two plastic tubes that are less useful as weapons than a couple of lead pipes. Meanwhile we don’t even hear a squawk from the MSM parrots.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (12)

  • I wish I had kept my GI Joe rocket launcher, and all the rubber rockets that came with it. I coulda been a celebrity with that thing.

  • Feinstein needs to include rocket launchers in her her upcoming "Violation of Our Civil Rights" piece of legislation. Maybe include SCUD platforms and ICBM's for good measure.

  • Why do I get the feeling that this was all a setup by the Obama Admin, to help push along their gun grab?

  • Empty tube, Hollow head, and this is the guy in charge, you would think with all the minions he has, Captains, Lieutenants, deputy Chief's, etc, that someone would have said, "Hey Chief, if you do this, your going to look like a complete asshole on TV".....apparently no one in LAPD is allowed to disagree with the boss....Too Bad because that's what destroys departments, Political hacks who don't have a clue but respond only to their handlers instead of someone who might actually know what the hell is going on. Hey charlie, from a real street cop, "get a life and forget politics cause you suck at it."

  • This is old stuff here in Kalifornistan. When present state Treasurer was the State Attorney General, he liked to raid gun shows and display for the eager press all the "illegal" booty they seized there, including "rocket launchers". The problem is none of the swag happened to be actually illegal and the rocket launchers were ATF approved non weapons with no possibility of launching anything other than a corrupt politician's career.

  • It is probably a prop that he borrowed from one of the movie studios. This is just bull shit from he and the likes of grabbers, liars and thieves.

  • Saddest part is, I'm not even a military guy and I recognized that from the picture. Plus the fact he's waving a rocket launcher around like it's a toy kinda tells me it can cause no harm.

    It's all propaganda though. That's what the MSM does. It doesn't report, it's not unbiased, it's all propaganda. It has an agenda, our idiot populace eats it up, and we are where we are.

    • Agreed.

      Obama's recent reinstallation could have (should have) had this headline attached: "LOS ANGELES MEDIA TOUTS ELECTION THAT WASN’T. MISSES FRAUD FACTOR STORYLINE BY A MILLION MILES"

      Purveyors of propaganda is all that they are.