Fast food workers call for $15 an hour

Fast food workers call for $15 an hour: We here at IHTM have no interest in judging anyone for the life choices they’ve made . . . that is until they expect us to pay for them. Which is why we must say that while we sympathize with those trying to make it on a burger flipper’s salary, we see no reason why we should subsidize them beyond their skill’s worth by bearing yet another cost of living increase.

This post was last modified on November 5, 2021

Kip Hooker:

View Comments (85)

  • Well, I'm glad to see "regulars" have held down the fort while I've been off fighting a few "R/L" battles. lol

    I also see there are a crop of "new and improved" navel gazers, who believe the world is a better place as long as the govenment (which is actually us) continues to provide them with food and a comfortable couch on which to dwell and pontificate.

    Damn shame about the election, though. Goes to show that there are a greater number of "them" than "us" who believe that everyone deserves a shiny and expensive trophy, no matter how well they did, or didn't, participate in the game of U.S. citizenship. What's hardest for me to accept is that it is "us"- the workers, the homeowners, property holders, small business folks and the industrialists combined who have provided them with the rope with which we will all surely hang in the not too distant future. Somehow we have allowed a self-serving bureaucracy to couple with an inadequate education system to produce an ever growing legion of dullards who belive they deserve "better" or "best" simply because they exist.

    How this happened is no great surprise, as we toiled to provide things n' stuff to a generation (or two) which has never risked anything to obtain the great rewards of security, which they truly believe should be easily and instantly provided. The dullards we've foisted upon the general public truly belive in their head and their heart that flipping a burger or stocking a shelf is as integral and important as any profession you can name. They know nothing of "step stones" or "entry level" as these easily obtained jobs are well worth the admission to middle-class society, and these are the only jobs to which they aspire or to which their dulled sense of worth can achieve.

    Sad, really. Much like a drunk or drug addict, they'll have to hit bottom before the reality of life strikes their well addled brains. Too bad the rest of us will be "collateral damage" when the proverbial shit hits the fan.

  • I: OK, John Crowley, I will be interviewing you. What was your last job?

    JC: I was a professional comment-er on websites.

    I: And how much were you making at last your last job?

    JC: I got about 500 a week from the county aid office.

    I: Did you pay your rent?

    JC: I don't have to pay rent because I still live at home with my Mommy.

    • what exactly is his story? Can we gripe about unemployment and him not having a job. Is he admittedly indolent and not looking?

      • Alien:
        Actually in prior blogs he said he was a census taker for a couple weeks, he is unemployed and living on government assistance with Mommy. He seems to be proud of that, So he is trying to lecture us on Corporate greed and how wonderful Ron Paul is while sitting at home all day.

        If someone has got something to say, I accept it, especially when they have the life experience to back it up, with him he is some kind of sick little pervert who gets off on getting a reaction on this website. and I am his enabler apparently.

        Once a long time ago I kinda used what was written to profile a certain no-mind blogger who shall remain nameless otherwise it will return like Satan on Saturday night at the nudie bar.

        Anyway you can kinda pick up quirks and behavior patterns from postings, just my guess after a couple hundred hours of profile training, he is only here to do exactly what I said, he gets some kind of creep sexual gratification from responses, it's like obsessive compulsive behavior, only sexual. He posts inane shit to get a reaction which makes him feel powerful and possibly aroused. That's why I have been referring to him as Creepy Crowley. Look at the pattern of appearances, he posts a couple comments,, gets a bunch of response and disappears for a while, then the process repeats itself.

        I will spare everyone the details, but trust me, he is getting some kind of satisfaction from this and is probably already on some kind of probation (hence living at home) and unable to gain employment since most companies are not comfortable hiring a person with "quirks".

        It's also possible that is the reason his "career" with the U.S. census folks didn't last very long....Food for thought.

        • Yeah I recall the current joblessness and the census work. Just haven't gotten a good sense if he's in school, or what effort he's making to better himself. Sometimes you gotta take the minimum wage job, just to get off your duff, get some dignity back, gain contacts, get back into the world. Maybe the speculation about a record ain't far off. Sure hope not

      • I: What exactly is your story?

        JC: I am a sexual deviant that can not keep from masturbating in public so I get government support.

        I: If hired to work here at the Jack n' Crack what would keep you from adding to the secret sauce?

        JC: I like to eat the secret sauce with my own special ingredient added.

        I: You are one sick fucker aren't you? We will let you know.

  • Have you ever gotten all the way home after after driving to town to get something to eat and you look in the bag and you are missing half of what you need to eat your meal? sauce, cutlery, napkins, food items missing, wrong food, side orders missing, food is old or expired, lettuce is wilted, sour cream is rotten, ...etc...etc...etc...
    15$ an hour for a job that does not require a high school diploma and the cashier can not even make change

  • There are always an unintended consequence to these feel good programs that the nit wit socialists come up with. In this case, $15/hr will attract a much more skilled and intelligent worker base, freezing out the current worker base. As a customer, it will be an improvement in that I wont have to look into glazed over eyes of someone in a drug induced haze trying to get them to comprehend I want a Number 1. And likely as not, getting a Number 6.

  • The Animal Liberation Front actually exists? Exactly what animals are they trying to liberate, wild ones or domestic & spoiled ones? Hmm

  • No one that works at a fast food for very long has the skills to do something else. Ppl that have skills to do other work do not stay on fast food work for very long. It is not meant to be a long term career, therefore it shouldn't be high paying. I could be wrong. Am I wrong? Salaries should take into account the amount of education you got, where you got it, if you went and got MORE education, the applied skills and the ability to learn new skills and apply those, the motivation at work and the ability to maintain AND excel the work goals. Am I wrong? Those who become MANAGERS at those fast food joints should definetly be paid more than the normal workers as their responsibilities, ability to do every other job and train others and skills are higher than the rest, that is understandable. I just think that people need to have a true assessment of their skills before demanding more money on menial jobs. I am not a snob, I would work a fast food joint while I am getting the skills to do something else, just saying it is not the type of job that people should be paid high salaries, it will only invite less skilled workforce to increase.

    • Yep. Typing too fast with too little coffee, sorry for the fat finger.
      So, dropping out of school to become a rapper, get discovered or ride the government welfare gravy train is not a good career choice?
      Hard to pass the ASVAB when you think that bof, dat, dem, wif, dissin me, whazzup, haters, gettin your freak on are actual words and cannot really define proper usage of the English language.
      Had to pass a test to quantify my ability to speak, read and understand proper English for an advanced communications school.
      Welcome to socialist America.
      Well done, dems!

        • Mechanical was my lowest.. Had upper 90s percentiles in all of them but mechanical was 88 (not the raw, but percentiles). Ticked me off.. Damn gears, pulleys

          • I had 90-95 on everything. Recruiter held up the sheet with all the jobs and said "pick one". I saw the "General" category and said "I'll be a General".
            The recruiter was not amused.
            What did he expect from a 17 year old?

  • I work for the government in a Military Division. Many of the jobs are at the $15/hour range.
    I am all for giving these whiny numbnuts in New York $15/hour if they can meet the requirements to work where I work.
    1) Maintain membership in good standing with the National Guard.
    2) Pass a background check and maintain standards of behavior.
    3) Be subject to unannounced and frequent urinalysis testing.
    4) Be within set standards for height and weight.
    5) Able to pass a Physical Fitness test.
    6) Maintain standards for dress, grooming and appearance.
    8) Have a respectable ASVAB score, and literate.
    9) Be an eligible citizen.
    10) Possess and maintain a valid drivers license.
    11) And many others too numerous to list here.
    Can ANY of these little crapheads meet these standards?
    BTW I have worked part-time jobs in the service industry and retail for most of my adult life, when not on active duty, in order to support my family.(in addition to working full time.)
    If your poor life choices limit your job prospects, then try to understand that actions have consequences, STFU, and quit whining for honest, hard-working taxpayers to pay your way!!!