Federal Auditor: 2,527 DHS Employees and Co-Conspirators Convicted of Crimes

Federal Auditor: 2,527 DHS Employees and Co-Conspirators Convicted of Crimes. Perhaps they’re operating on the theory of it takes one to catch one?

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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    • WHAT "gainful employment?" WHat is he qualified to do? I mean for a 51 year old man, his resume is a little thin, ya know? Minimal experience in anything, no real job history, poor results from his last job (fired as President.) A 51 yearold housewife entering the job market for the firwst time would have better opportunities. At least she could list management experience, project management, financial officer, Executive chef and taxi driver on HER resume!

  • Not sure how big a deal this might be. I'd be interested in comparing these numbers to arrest/conviction rates across all Federal departments and across the general population before getting too agitated.

      • If we're going to start weeding out criminals in the government, shouldn't we start in the White House, the Senate, and the House?

        • And the DOJ. Holder is a brick wall. He doesn't get enough "credit", but what he does for the white house weasels is invaluable. Having someone who has NO scruples in that position is key to keeping O in office.

          • Exactly Karmaa. As I read the article and realized that the DOJ was supposed to prosecute these cases, I was surprised that ANY of them went to court. Likely the nobodies and low level crimesonly.