Feds Issue Regulation to Make the Trains Run on Time

Feds Issue Regulation to Make the Trains Run on Time. It’s about time the Obama administration imitated someone in the Axis powers besides Goebbels propaganda machine.

Il Duce vs. El Douche’

This post was last modified on January 31, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (11)

  • So they can defy gravity and go faster around corners now because the goobermint says so? just wonderin'.....

  • Our economy is in the shitter, unemployment is still at all time highs, our borders are wide open letting who knows who into our country, we are sending troops BACK to the middle east because the job wasn't done right the first time, and this is what our gooberment is doing? Worrying about whether a train runs on time or not? It's no wonder our country is going to hell in a hand basket.

  • De trains vill rrron on time because I sait so. Dere vill be no more traffic jams because I sait so. I am de emperor and derefore vat I say shall be so, verdammit.

  • Il Duce has more balls about him when he was hanging by his heels than quagmire has walking. This PoS cant get out of the WH fast enough.

  • Another taxpayer funded kickback to Warren Buffet is in order, a small portion of which will end up as donations to the DNC.

    • Mussolini would be embarrassed to be compared to Barky.
      Barky's plan for the trains to run on time would probably entail changing the scheduled time, to meet the train's performance.

      • I don't know why the trains are late, but I'm pretty sure it's the Republicans' fault. Oh, and it's also FOX News' fault for reporting on the late trains.