Having solved all other problems, Obama to fix your dishwasher

Having solved all other problems, Obama to fix your dishwasher. Which means like everything else that Obama touches, dishwashers soon won’t be worth a damn.

This post was last modified on April 10, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Of course there will have to be a Dishwasher Czar with a staff of thousands all with staffs of hundreds. Which supposedly puts these 10's of thousands to "work" that are otherwise totally unemployable slugs.

  • No one has yet emerged and we have not yet sufficiently suffered to turn our political situation around. I believe things will get far worse here before they get better.

    • From what I've read, you are desperate to ditch your Kenyan Muslim excuse for a president for someone a little more, er, suitable.

      You don't think you have "sufficiently suffered"? How far does it need to go, before you reach your "tipping point"? Of course it'll get far worse with that attitude. Hand-wringing won't help - find yourselves a knight in shining armour - quickly.

      • I'm not hand wringing. I'm stating what I believe to be the truth. At least 48% of the voters in this country are going to vote for a Democrat regardless of facts or conditions in the states. With the massive expansion of welfare and other schemes to mask the effects of progressive monetary and fiscal policy, no, we haven't suffered enough. It will take Venezuelan style shortages of basic commodities before the progs begin to lose real influence.

        BTW, the UK has suffered more greatly, which allows for a UKIP and Farange to emerge. Your country's descent began the moment the Nazis surrendered and the NHS was implemented. Ours began in earnest the moment LBJ assumed the presidency though I could make case for a couple of his predecessors.

        EDIT: I reread your post and while doing so I thought of the recent stories of mass rape being covered up because local police lacked courage to go after the Pakistani savages who now occupy and exert their will over British society not to mention common law. So, when you Brits solve how not to become a caliphate, then you can speak credibly to our problems....maybe.

        To sum up, I stand by my central point, things are going to get worse before they get better.

        • The local police are so wrapped up in multiculturalism and political correctness, they are as good as useless.

          That's why Mr. Farage, and his UKIP party are, on paper at least, doing so well. Change will only ever occur once the current triumvirate of shysters are shown the door. Hopefully, that'll be next May.

          When will YOUR "problem" be shown the door?

          • Our problem will hopefully be shown the door in January, if we are able to take control of the Senate in November. King Barky still has just over 2 years left in his term, but with a Republican, and hopefully Conservative, majority in both houses, he will be unable to pull any more bullshit, and if he tries, there is always the possibility of removing him from office sooner.

        • I tend to agree. Sidekick has summed it up well. The current hardship isn't being shared across the board. In fact some people are doing rather well at the expense of others. I suppose that has always and will always be the case, but the difference now instead of the system increasing everybody's standard of living by increasing production and wealth it is increasing some peoples standard of living by giving them surplus wealth to consume and destroying the means of producing more wealth. Beyond that even the people that are having their savings and wages gutted still have it pretty good. We've all got things piling up in our houses that would have been science fiction fifteen years ago and miracles twenty. So what if your cost of living in general has gone up ten percent in the last year. 60 inch tv's are cheaper than ever so it all balances out right? Well not in the long run, and I am afraid it won't be until the bubble (stock market or otherwise) bursts and suddenly there is hunger once more that people will wake up. Of course then they might just demand a strong man to fix all their problems and then we'll all really be screwed. And of course that strong man might not start out being one at all, rather a very earnest man or woman looking to sort things out. It is funny how power corrupts. That is why I believe in free individuals in voluntary cooperation solving problems. Not politicians that will amass power to "fix the issue" and in the end fail to be our Cincinnatus.

        • "Knight in shining armour"

          No offense but that is the difference between a subject and a citizen. Conservatives (and fee people in general) should not have to find a savior. A principled and articulate leader but not a savior. We don't need rescuing like a maiden in a keep, we simply need an individual or group to break through the clutter with a coherent message. Trouble with that is the GOP leadership is as bad as the Democrats.

          • Should read "free people..." but fee people may be more apt for those of us who finance the rest of the population.

  • It's evident to me, that you poor folk in the US of A URGENTLY require a man such as the leader of UKIP in the Former United Kingdom - Nigel Farage.

    He says what he means, and what he says gels with what the British people seem to want. Consequently, although without a parliamentary seat at the moment, UKIP is causing the other three "leftie" parties to quake in their boots about the possibility of UKIP unseating them in May next year.

    With UKIP in charge, or even holding the balance of power, there is a real danger that sanity may return to British politics, and the long-suffering British people may be saved from the destruction of their country.

    You yanks NEED a Nigel Farage. NOW.

    Have you anyone in mind? From what I've seen, the next eight years, one way or another, will be the same as the last eight, and you'll succumb to tyranny and lose your constitution.

    What are you gonna do about it, and when? I am conscious of the fact that no-one has taken away your arms - yet...

  • Meantime the wussies in Congress won't lift a finger to put a stop to runaway agencies like the EPA.

    Nixon the Rinohearted created the EPA by executive order which suggests to me a President with some balls could abolish this gawdawful monstrosity with an executive order. It will never ever, ever, ever, f--king ever happen but a guy can dream.

    • This calls for a new Presidential ticket, if we want that to happen (Abolish the EPA) then you and I need to run for the presidency. I can see it now, Jim Stewart and Poppa Joe for President and VP! But to be truthful, I would rather be in charge of the BATFE.

  • Sunday humor...

    Barack Obama was visiting a school in North Carolina, a fourth grade class…

    They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.

    The teacher asked the president if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy.' So the president asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy.'

    One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field, and a tractor runs him over and kills him, that would be a tragedy."

    "No," said Obama, "that would be an accident."

    A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone, that would be a tragedy."

    "I'm afraid not," explained Obama. "That's what we would call great loss."

    The room went silent. No other child volunteered. Obama searched the room.

    "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"

    Finally at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand.

    The teacher held her breath.

    In a quiet voice he said: "If the plane carrying you and Mrs. Obama was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy."

    "Fantastic!" exclaimed Obama. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?"

    "Well," says Johnny, "It has to be a tragedy, because it sure as hell
    wouldn't be a great loss... and you can bet your ass it wouldn't be an
    accident either!

    The teacher fainted..

  • I've had the same dishwasher for many years.....and she still loves me so I don't need any help from the government.

  • Because the new washing machines and phosphate free laundry detergent work so well.... The new ones with out the agitators are completely useless. I wash my clothes twice- great energy savings.

    The part about the manufacturers is half true. If they could use this to keep out competition- they will be all for it. Look at the CF bulb vs standard. The got the incandescent bulbs killed to get people to switch to pay off the CF plants they built for bulbs few wanted.

    Regulations keep new players out of the market and raise the barriers to entry.