Heavy winter snows revive U.S. interest in Skijoring


Heavy winter snows revive U.S. interest in Skijoring. A demonstration sport in the 1928 Winter Olympics that fell out of favor, Skijoring involves being pulled by an animal (any animal) while wearing skis, slaloming through gates at 40 mph while plucking rings as you pass, and going over jumps. Hey, it doesn’t sound any more ridiculous than ice dancing or curling.

This post was last modified on February 17, 2014

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (http://www.travelynpublishing.com/), and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (13)

  • Wait for it, wait for it. PETA is going to be bitching about the dogs pulling the skier. Never mind that the dogs enjoy it and are breed for such activities.

    Now if the skier had an infant pulling them, well that would be different. That would be a choice

  • At least curling is an ancient and well-recognized game (tho' I hesitate to call it a sport -- another old dispute, what's the diff between the two?) and unlike a lot of Olympic events, it has discrete and objective scoring.

    Haha, just remembered this, one ship I was on we had a cadet from King's Point, nice guy, I got to be quite good friends with him. But one day we were busting on him for some reason (you know, good-natured camaraderie type, NOT bullying), and he mentioned that he was on the KP crew team -- which unleashed a whole new round of merriment. Finally he said, "You know, crew is an Olympic sport!" I said, "Yeah, so's ice dancing!"

  • I think golf on snow-covered courses would be an excellent WO sport. Just think of the laughs the audience would have watching a bunch of folks dressed in snow suits, waving clubs around trying to find their white golf balls against a white background. Maybe President Pimple could take it up... it's essentially a big waste of time so he'd be very good at it.