Hillary Clinton and Professionals Left Feign Outrage Over Term “Anchor Babies”….

Hillary Clinton and Professionals Left Feign Outrage Over Term “Anchor Babies”…. Funny they don’t have any outrage over Planned Parent Hoods killed-sliced-and diced babies, yet they worry about illegal babies.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Poor little commies like that murderous lying hag Killery just figured out that the truth hurts.

  • Tom Llama, the reporter that Trump slapped like an ugly anchor baby, is from Miami and I checked him out. I could find nothing about his parents or where they came from so I am wondering, since he is from Florida, if his parents are illegal aliens from Cuba and that is why he thinks anchor baby is so offensive. Could it be that Tom Llama is one himself? LMOAO...Would that be a hoot or what!!

  • I have said it before, the left (communists/socialists/nut jobs/fake blacks/LGBT goobers) always have to have something to be "angry" about. If not what else would they have? They are clueless retards whose only hope is to convince the free shit crowd to vote for them and get angry about non-issues or political correctness.

    So lets review...The left hates
    Any conservative with money
    Any conservative
    Anyone who talks about immigration/booting out the criminals
    Religious cake bakers
    Anyone who speaks ill of transgender weirdos
    Anyone who speaks ill of president Obutthead
    Anyone who doesn't believe Hitleries bullshit
    Anyone for law and order
    Anyone for personal responsibility
    Anyone who wants to cut off the freeshit these retards get
    Anyone who disagrees with a leftist nutjob on anything
    Anyone who thinks Blacks lives matter are a bunch of terrorists
    Anyone who disagrees with Al Sharpton
    Anyone who questions the IRSS/DOJ/EPA
    Anyone who hates the NSA
    Anyone who speaks their mind
    Anyone who thinks Muslims are terrorists
    Anyone who opposes Abortion (which reminds me, didn't all these leftist pigs like Jane Fonda call soldiers returning from Vietnam Baby Killers? Uh...so planned parenthood really does kill babies and not one of them gives a shit )
    Anyone who owns a house
    Anyone who Bar-B-Ques (of course the burning man does not pollute)
    Anyone who is against recreation drug use

    The list goes on and on...Always what the left is against, never what they are for or what is right with America.

    Left negative losers...

  • They hate the term Anchor Babies, but wouldn't mind if you tied your baby to an anchor and dropped it in the ocean.

    Lovely people we have trying to run the country...............into the ground.

  • I have not been able to bring myself to watch that video yet. Just reading about it leaves me so disturbed.

    • Don't watch it, take my word for it. It is ugly and shows the disgusting, inhuman murderers working at planned parenthood in their true light.