Homeland Security official tweets ‘Happy May Day!’

Homeland Security official tweets ‘Happy May Day!’ On Tuesday evening, Nate Snyder, the special adviser to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for “Community Partnership and Strategic Engagement,” tweeted “Happy May Day! #solidarity.” Kinda sums up this whole administration in one tweet.

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (27)

  • May 1st should be a day we commemorate the murders of 100 million or more people who have died over that last 150 years at the hands of those that think government knows best and that you must be subservient to it.
    Down with totalitarian regimes everywhere.

  • Ted Striker: Mayday! Mayday!
    Steve McCroskey: What the heck is that?
    Johnny: Why, that's the Russian New Year. We can have a parade and serve hot hors d'oeuvres...

  • Well, May Day is a traditional spring holiday, remember May Poles and all that? In THIS context though, it's pretty obvious the radical/revolutionary/Red meaning was intended.

    Also, tough as it is, I’ve taken The Pledge, and will not feed trolls today.

    • That May Day is no longer celebrated, though I remeber it from my childhood. Little baskets of fruit, candy and flowers on my parents' bedroom door. Since the early 60's it HAS been National Law day. I thought that irony was impressive!

    • Wasn't that whole May Pole deal a communist thing anyway? I vaguely remember learning about it in grade school but forgot what the context was.

      • Nah, Maypoles were left overs from Pagan rites of spring and new growth. THe date got taken over by the communists. Sort of like rainbows got ripped by the gay community.

      • LOL the maypole is a European pagan thing.. Remove it from your communist files.. In fact, the pole worked its way into Carribean hoodoo/voodoo. It has no origin in African tradition, but was infused by Irish indentured servants who worked alongside slaves centuries ago

    • Stand strong, PD. I know there are things being said that you REALLY want to rip somebody apart over.

      • Let's all hold tough, huh? Just like park pigeons, feeding only encourages them to come back for more.

        /Then they swoop round and sh1t on your head.

    • TheDickEricCraving, like Oblivia, are volunteers for the "Stain on Society Movement".

  • Damn their wishes for us to have a good day! What's next, a happy Thanksgiving? Halloween!?