House passes Veterans Affairs overhaul, Senate poised to give final approval

House passes Veterans Affairs overhaul, Senate poised to give final approval. Hopefully Happy Harry Reid won’t go into full douechebaggery mode and screw it up. So who were the 5 a-holes that voted no?

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • MSNBC-New York-For the second time in as many days, Senate majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Dumbass) failed to call for a vote on the appropriations bill for the veteran's Administration, to correct problems of Veterans unable to get proper medical care. The bill passed the House of Representatives, and awaits action in the Senate Before being sent to President For Life Barack Obama.

    Capital Hill Police were called to search for Senator Reid and he was located in the bushes outside the senate wearing only a pair of "under-roos" and claimed he was looking for "Juan". Reid stated he was playing hide and seek with Juan, who Reid described as an immigrant who just recently flew in from Honduras.

    There was a frantic search by Police for "Juan, who was described as approximately 18, approximately 5 feet four inches tall, wearing jean shorts and a "wife beater" tank top. Juan has numerous tattoos from his village that include "MS-13" and "Death to Gringo". Juan was not located by the Capital Police and there is an all out search for the boy going on at this time.

    UPDATE- Juan, the young immigrant playing hide and seek with Senate majority Leader Harry Reid has still not been located. Police were pulled from the search detail to handle a rash of liquor store robberies by a suspect that appears to be similar to that of "Juan". Senator Reid was informed of the search and robberies while being treated for numerous cuts and abrasions from a rose bush and said, "this is just racist, that anyone who thinks these robberies are related to the cute little boy I had in the bushes"

    Reid seemed upset and was comforted by Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Braindead) Pelosi asked us to not ask Senator Reid any more questions due to his injuries and the terrible news of the missing child. Pelosi consulted with the doctors treating Reid and was informed that the swelling should go down and it had only been "three hours" so there was still one more hour before the doctors would have to take action.

    Update-Update. Washington D.C. The robberies of Liquor stores in the D.C area have been stopped. A suspect, Identified only as "Juan" was arrested while robbing his 14th liquor store. There is still no sign of the missing child according to Senator Reid's staff and the senator is being rushed into surgery to drain blood from "some Swelling" that has gone one for more than "four hours" according to doctors.

    Coming up next on MSNBC, Ronan Farrow puts on his jammies and talks Obamacare.

  • I want to know who the 5 traitors are that voted against this overhaul. I'm sure they had relatives working there that got thier asses canned for doing such a shitty job.

  • Somewhat related but interesting. Heard from a USAF Senior Master Sgt yesterday that a law passed in 2000 (yes 14 years ago) that a representative of the service of the deceased must be present at all military funerals at National Cemeteries. ie USAF at Air Force vets, USMC at Marine vets funerals. Not just current KIA's but also for any former military vet. According to the Sgt, they just found out about it last week and he is temporarily assigned. No sign of USMC, USN, or USA yet. Word travels fast through the VA bureaucracy.

  • Still no mention of the 5 assholes who voted no, truly some traitorous cur in that bunch.

  • I don't understand these vets!

    Why don't they go down to Mexico, throw their passports in the trash, walk back across the border, and then get themselves taken care of?