If you dont stand for something you stand for nothing


If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing. Mitch McConnell, in order to advance a bill funding the government through December 11, has funded Planned Parenthood.

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (http://www.travelynpublishing.com/), and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (16)

  • Mitch the lying bitch would never allow the faucet of taxpayer cash that feeds him and the rest of the rest of the DC parasites to ever be shut off.

  • Leaders are born, NOT elected..this is what happens when the only reason you get the top job is because you hung around long enough. Thats not criteria for a leadership post, thats criteria for a retirement party. Congressional Dumbassery,a proud tradition since 1776.....

  • How on earth could the commonsense people of Kentucky elect such a bozo as this clown? Aren't they embarrassed? You would think their capital would be in a McDonalds with such politicians as McConnel. "Mam, would you like fries with that vote?"

    • For years we here in Kentucky have tried to get rid of his cowardly ass. McConnell comes in and starts acting like a conservative and gives speeches on how he can and will do this and that. All he ever does is bend over.

  • I know my thinking is different than most on this issue here. I do think aborting up to 20 weeks is a compromise that will be the best we can get. I also think exceptions for a women's health should be allowed.

    Now what the ghouls at PP were doing is just out and out evil. However, defunding PP was a bad play. They should have set up some special investigators and put these evil people in jail. THEY BROKE THE LAW!! That would stop the late term abortions and the DR. Mengele types would be in jail and others would never do it.

    One final note, McConnell is doing his best to give the senate back to the fascist democrats. I think the man is senile.

    • Funding PP has nothing to do with the law on abortions. Don't let their propaganda fool you. Defunding what is clearly an immoral and criminal enterprise would not change the law on abortion as it stands, nor would it interfere with women's access to abortion whatsoever. PP has so much money in the bank, and makes such a huge profit, they do not need federal government money to stay in operation.

      • Nothing is fooling me and I agree with you about PP making money.. What I am saying is that PP violates the law in selling baby parts and doing their special operations to get intact babies out to make a bigger profit. That is against the current law. The people doing those things should be prosecuted for it.

        I am also saying that our laws on abortion should be like europe's, up to 20 weeks. After that for the health and safety of the mother. Complications happen and it should be up to the mother what to do if her life is in jeopardy. If you can't decide to have a child in the first 20 weeks then it should be made for you. That's just my view.

  • And that is why droopy eyes has to go and GO NOW!!! I heard his "speech" about blubbering boy and how blubbering boy respected the institution. Well, I for one say to hell with the institution. Respecting the "institution" gave us all kinds of great things. Like barrycare, cromulios spending, two hags on the Supreme Court who have no business there, illegal immigration. The list would take up all the pages for this subject matter.

  • Where's my Louisville Slugger? I need to tap Mitch on the head to get his brain started up again, or maybe a little "jump start" with a cattle prod to the temples.