Is that Obama in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

little red book

Just what you’ve been waiting for — the collected wisdom of our new leader contained in one pocket-sized book called “Pocket Obama.” Sure, it’s vaguely reminiscent of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book, but hell, man, this is Obama we’re talking about here.

According to the publishers, “Pocket Obama serves as a reminder of the amazing power of oratory and the remarkable ability of this man to move people with his words.”

They also say, “It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to own, to read, and to carry this book at all times.”

Brilliant! Why didn’t we think of that? We know a good idea when we steal it. It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to click on it every day. Illegal aliens, too.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


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  • Serious? I feel stupid for asking, but for someone on the outside of this adulation over a mere mortal, I just don't know what's a joke and what isn't.