Migrants are being taught about gay sex, how to make love while pregnant and how to find the female G-spot in illustrated manuals distributed in Germany

Migrants are being taught about gay sex, how to make love while pregnant and how to find the female G-spot in illustrated manuals distributed in Germany. No wonder they’re all fired up and running around raping women and children. Probably not one word about consent or child molesting laws.

“I saw daddy wrestling with mommy and it sounded like daddy was winning.”

A Texas mother took her kids to the library. One of the kids found a book that made the mom say, “Holy Dewey Decimal.”

Leave it to those dirty degenerates over at iOwnTheWorld.com to find this story. Wouldn’t surprise us if they checked the book out of the library to see if they could learn a few things.

A Texas mother took her kids to the library. One of the kids found a book that made the mom say, “Holy Dewey Decimal.”

H/T: iOwnTheWorld.com

Elena Kagan reveals why it’s OK to ban books

And now Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan demonstrates why her attitude on censorship is unlikely to wind up listed in Bartlett’s. Elana Kagan: It’s fine if the law bans books because government won’t really enforce it.

First, let’s review a few comments from the Immortals regarding censorship.

Voltaire: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.

Mark Twain: Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak just because a baby can’t chew it.

Thomas Jefferson: I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.

And now Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan demonstrates why her attitude on censorship is unlikely to wind up listed in Bartlett’s.

Elana Kagan: It’s fine if the law bans books because government won’t really enforce it.

We were a bit surprised to find the left so silent on Mr. Kagan’s obvious disdain for the First Amendment. But then we remembered, when the book burning starts, Heather Has Two Mommies is likely to get a reprieve.

H/T: Breitbart.tv

Talk show hosts circle wagons around Oprah, won’t interview her unauthorized biographer Kitty Kelley

Larry King, Charlie Rose, David Letterman and Barbara Walters all turned thumbs down on interviews with celebrity biographer Kitty Kelly, whose unauthorized bio of Oprah will soon be released.

Kitty Kelley
The media protect their own by refusing to interview Oprah biographer Kitty Kelley

And considering Oprah’s current girth, a very wide circle it is.

Larry King, Charlie Rose, David Letterman and Barbara Walters all turned thumbs down on interviews with celebrity biographer Kitty Kelly, whose unauthorized bio of Oprah will soon be released.

Odd, one might have to conclude, considering the gleeful receptions Kelley received from those same hosts when she penned a scandalous bio of George Bush a few years ago.

Margo Howard reports the hypocritical headlines:

“… most of the kingpin interviewers in the mainstream media were astonishingly up front about saying they would not help Kitty Kelley promote her book because they didn’t want to offend Oprah! They didn’t even make up excuses; they flat-out said they didn’t want to offend Oprah. It was surprising, to say the least, that interviewers such as Larry King, Charlie Rose, David Letterman and Barbara Walters all shut her out. Walter’s turn-down was especially interesting in that she said she wouldn’t even have Kelley on “The View.” I mean, that’s a show with four or five babes nattering on, where no guest is on for more than maybe seven minutes. Walters told Random House publicity she didn’t want to “upset” Oprah. Letterman said he didn’t want to “disrupt” his détente with Oprah. And ABC, whose name might as well now stand for “All ‘Bout Cowards,” made an across-the-board decision that Kelley’s book would be boycotted by all ABC shows. Even second-tier people like Joy Behar followed suit. And Rachael Ray! A cooking show, no less.

Much to our surprise, Kelley has booked an appearance in one unexpected place.

… To their credit, the top show for people flogging books, “The Today Show,” will be Kitty’s first publicity stop when the book is released. Bill O’Reilly will be the second. I find all this really interesting. What is it, I wonder, that has major television people so afraid of Oprah? It is a question whose answer I look forward to finding in Kelley’s book. I will get back to you when I’ve read it.

To his credit, Matt Lauer actually gave Kelley a pretty good grilling when she appeared on the Today Show to hype her bio of George Bush.

Our advice? Don’t bother with Lauer and the Today Show. Wait until Kelley appears on Fox.

Source: Wowowow.com

Chris Matthews has a very short memory for very short memoirs

There’s only one way to explain this clip: Chris Matthews is on a mission to prove to the world that he is a complete moron.

There’s only one way to explain this clip: Chris Matthews is on a mission to prove to the world that he is a complete moron.

The ratings-challenged MSNBC host actually attacked newly-elected Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown for signing a book deal just weeks after being elected.

We learn today that Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, who’s been a Senator for just 35 days, has a book deal. According to the Wall Street Journal, Brown’s expected to write about his upbringing, his early career, and how he beat Martha Coakley to win his Senate seat. Maybe he can call it It’s Not About the Truck. Just a thought, but didn’t people used to write the memoirs after their careers? This guy’s been in office what, a month?

Oops. Matthews seems to have forgotten a certain president whose first memoir came out before he’d ever run for office and whose second one came out after he’d been in the Senate for just a matter of months.

Source: HotAir.com

Top 17 titles suggested for Arlen Specter’s new book

Senator Arlen Specter, Democrat-for-Now from Pennsylvania, is penning a book. But he doesn’t have a title for it. Not yet, anyway.

Help Senator Arlen Specter name his new book

Senator Arlen Specter, Democrat-for-Now from Pennsylvania, is penning a book. But he doesn’t have a title for it. Not yet, anyway.

We assume he’s having trouble for two reasons. First, coming up with a title would be a decisive action that he couldn’t spin into something completely different somewhere down the road. And, second, some unknown political ghostwriter is really putting the book together and Specter will have no idea what it says he said until  he reads it.

So we thought we (and you) might be able to help him out with some title ideas. Please note that Benedict Arlen has been eliminated from contention because it was too much of a gimme.

Without further adieu, we proudly present our top seventeen titles for the Senator’s new book:

  • Old and Yeller
  • Portrait of Cowardice
  • The Crime of the Ancient Senator
  • War and Peace. No, Make that War. No, Peace.
  • Yeah, Definitely War.
  • The Strangest Bedfellow
  • Keystone Cop Out
  • The Fraud and the Prince
  • Specter, Sphincter, Tomayto, Tomahto
  • I Survived Cancer. Then I Became One
  • Waking Up on the Wrong Side of History … Again
  • From Whore to Eternity
  • The World According To TARP
  • Gullible’s Travels
  • The Great Ratsby
  • Origin of the Feces
  • Red State Badge of Courage

Any other ideas? Feel free to leave them in the comments.

Source: USA Today

– Written by Sven Waring

Eurocrats spend $272,000 to portray themselves as comic book heroes

Bureaucrats in the European Union have blown through $272,000 to create and distribute a comic book graphic novel in which they are portrayed as larger than life heroes.

What took the Eurocrats so long? We had an Obama-as-super-hero comic a year ago.

Consider this an omen of things to come in America. Bureaucrats in the European Union have blown through $272,000 to create and distribute a comic book graphic novel in which they are portrayed as larger than life heroes.

The Telegraph UK reports the super good news:

“… European Commission officials have had their revenge – by producing a lavish comic book portraying themselves as heroes battling to save the world.

More than 300,000 copies of the glossy hardback–printed in five languages at a cost of £200,000–are being sent to homes and schools in the UK and across the Continent.

The graphic novel follows the ‘adventures’ of Zana, Max et al at the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Department – known as ECHO – as they struggle to secure funding for the fictional sate of Borduvia, which has been devastated by an earthquake.

Written by a Belgian graphic novelist Erik Bongers, Hidden … contains such immortal dialogue as: “We must inform the Commissioner! She’s briefing the European Parliament on the earthquake tomorrow.”

The book’s heroine Zana, a feisty, beautiful aid worker whose uniform consists of a safari jacket with the European Union flag emblazoned upon it, is then dispatched to Borduvia by bearded and besuited bureaucrats to sort out the humanitarian crisis.

Of course, Obama-as-super-hero comics have already been produced, but only by actual profit-making companies. Look for those firms to be among the last American companies to be nationalized by the Obama administration.

Source: Telegraph UK

U.N. global warming guru has hot, steamy hobby

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the UN’s climate change chief, is doing something other climate scientists are not: writing smutty novels. In the midst of the Climategate scandal Pachauri has found time to write a romance novel. A novel that features sex. A lot of sex. And breasts. A lot of breasts.

Rajendra Pachauri, U.N. climate guru and budding romance novelist. Is there no end to the man's talent?

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the UN’s climate change chief, is doing something other climate scientists are not: writing smutty novels.

In the midst of the Climategate scandal Pachauri has found time to write a romance novel. A novel that features sex. A lot of sex. And breasts. A lot of breasts.

The Telegraph reports:

In breathless prose that risks making Dr Pachauri, who will be 70 this year, a laughing stock among the serious, high-minded scientists and world leaders with whom he mixes, he details sexual encounter after sexual encounter.

A smutty novel’s going to make him a laughing stock among serious scientists? Hell, if ClimateGate hasn’t already done that, nothing will.

Of course, Pachauri is known around the world for his series of IPCC reports. So this is not his first work of fiction.

But putting that aside, if most characters reflect the writers themselves, what do passages like this say about the 2007 Nobel Price winner wiener?

“Sanjay saw a shapely dark-skinned girl lying on Vinay’s bed. He was overcome by a lust that he had never known before … He removed his clothes and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts.”

“He enjoyed the sensation of gently pushing Susan’s shoulders back a few inches, an action that served to lift her breasts even higher. He was excited by the sight of her heaving breasts, as she breathed in and out deeply.”

“Afterwards she held him close. ‘Sandy, I’ve learned something for the first time today. You are absolutely superb after meditation. Why don’t we make love every time immediately after you have meditated?’”

Whew! Is it getting hot in here? Or is it just global warming?

Source: Telegraph UK

Written by Chase Fleming of Communication Studies

Sara Palin’s book sells 1,000,000 copies in two weeks. Chuck Schumer’s sells 10,000 in two years.

Our first reaction was, “Really? Chuck Schumer wrote a book?” Our second reaction was, “Hmmm. Surprised it sold that many copies?” And our third reaction was, “This massive rejection by America’s literati may help explain why the New York Democrat’s always in such a pissy mood.”

Chuck Schumer's book is available on Amazon.com for a little as $1.95. That's still overpriced.

Our first reaction was, “Really? Chuck Schumer wrote a book?”

Our second reaction was, “Hmmm. Surprised it sold that many copies?”

And our third reaction was, “This massive rejection by America’s literati may help explain why the New York Democrat’s always in such a pissy mood.”

The New York Post reports Schumer’s tale of stone cold sales:

“Politicos are snickering at the plight of Sen. Charles Schumer, who holds more press conferences than any other lawmaker but can’t seem to connect with the public. His book, “Positively American,” released in 2007, sold 9,000 copies in hardcover and fewer than 1,000 in paperback, according to Nielsen Bookscan, which tracks about 75 percent of the nation’s book sales. By comparison, Sarah Palin’s “Going Rogue” sold 1 million copies in two weeks.”

Far be it from us to doubt the New York Post, but we think its story contains a major error.

We don’t doubt that people are snickering at Schumer. We’re just not sure it has anything to do with his book.

Source: New York Post

Is Michelle Obama the new Jackie Kennedy? A new book says yes, reality says no.

Given the raging success of Mrs O the website, which chronicles the fashion statements by the Most Glamorous First Lady In History, a book was a foregone conclusion.

Given the raging success of Mrs O the website, which chronicles the fashion statements by the Most Glamorous First Lady In History, a book was a foregone conclusion. And, of course, reviews of Mary Tomer’s Mrs O have been nothing less than stellar

Jackie Kennedy never wore an outfit that made her belly look like the Michelin Man's

“Tomer’s is at least the third fashion-related book on the first lady, and so far, it’s the most comprehensive, tracing Obama’s style from that frigid day in Springfield, Ill., when her husband announced his candidacy to the first lady’s springtime tour of Europe,” Politco.com noted.

“[Tomer] spoke with more than 40 designers for the book, which includes two-page interviews with such Obama favorites as Jason Wu, Loree Rodkin, Isabel Toledo and Peter Soronen. It’s also filled with fabric swatch close-ups, dress shots (both famous and less well known) and displays the thoroughness of a librarian in cataloging the origins of Obama’s many brooches, pins and patent-leather heels,” the Washington Post raved.

But here’s the only review you really need:

“Only on a planet where Barack Obama is considered a moderate, where a tax cheat is named Secretary of the Treasury, and where a pervert is put in charge of safe schools, could Michelle Obama be called ‘the new Jackie Kennedy,'” said IHateTheMedia.com.

And now to prove our point, let’s take a journey around le monde du faux pas de mode de Michelle Obama (for those of you who aren’t up to speed on your French fashion lingo, that means “the world of Michelle Obama’s fashion don’ts”).

The Grand Canyon. Hey, c’mon, we’re talking about the landscape.

Michelle Obama asks her husband a question everyone would like answered

Before picking up his prize and delivering an eloquent speech, the president and first lady visited the Nobel Institute to sign a guest book in the room where the Nobel Committee meets to vote on prizes. Mr. Obama carefully wrote seven lines of text, prompting Mrs. Obama to ask…

Only a wife could talk to the President this way.
Only a wife could talk to the President this way.

The Christian Science Monitor reports this human interest story from Oslo:

Before picking up his prize and delivering an eloquent speech, the president and first lady visited the Nobel Institute to sign a guest book in the room where the Nobel Committee meets to vote on prizes. Mr. Obama carefully wrote seven lines of text, prompting Mrs. Obama to ask, “Are you writing a book?”

No, Michelle, if he had been writing a book Bill Ayers would have been there.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

Gore resorts to smoke, mirrors and Photoshop trickery in his new science fiction book

Al Gore has lost a little credibility with his attempt to scare the bejeezus out of readers by including a heavily-Photoshopped photo of Earth just inside the front cover.


Sure, Al Gore’s made hundreds of millions of dollars with his global warming scam, but you still have to feel sorry for the poor schlub.

America’s book buyers have decided that “Our Choice,” Gore’s latest book, is more science fiction than science. Instead of flying off the shelves in droves, it’s being left on the shelves in droves. Perhaps Gore has lost a little credibility with his attempt to scare the bejeezus out of readers by including a heavily-Photoshopped photo of Earth just inside the front cover.

What kind of PhotoShopping? Let’s just start with these egregious examples:

  • All the Arctic ice and most of Greenland’s ice has mysteriously disappeared
  • Florida is mostly submerged
  • Central America is gone
  • Cuba is gone
  • The hemisphere is bedeviled by four different hurricanes. Simultaneously. The thing is, though, that the one off the coast of mini-Florida is spinning in the wrong direction, meaning that it is actually a Southern Hemisphere hurricane.
  • There is a hurricane down there near the equator off the coast of Peru, which is damn near physically impossible.

To give Gore the benefit of the doubt, we wanted to assume that this artwork was an attempt to demonstrate what could happen if all the ice in the arctic and Greenland were to melt (as is shown in the photo). Unfortunately, for Panama to disappear beneath the waves would require sea levels to rise more than 11,400 feet (slightly more than the 14-inches anticipated by the IPCC report).

That sea level rise would leave only five towns in the entire world above water – Namache Bazaar, Nepal at 11,482 feet; Potosi, Bolivia at 13,420 feet; El Alto, Bolivia at 13,615 feet, Lhasa Tibet at 12,200 feet; and La Rinoconada, Peru at 16,728 feet. Denver, the Mile High City, would be a mile under water.

Sara Palin’s book is a runaway #1 this week on Amazon.com and has been in their Top 100 for 52 days. Glenn Beck’s book is #8 and has been in the Top 100 for 44 days. The global warming-bashing SuperFreakonomics is #10 and has been on the Top 100 for 46 days.

Meanwhile, Gore’s “Our Choice” never reached the Top 20 and has dropped to #123 after just 15 days. Two weeks ago it was #49 and last week it was #59. So it’s dropping even faster than worldwide temperatures and Gore’s credibility.

There’s only one way to reverse this disaster:

More PhotoShopping, Al, more PhotoShopping.

Source: InfoWars.com

Ralph Nader has written a novel. Exactly the kind of wacky novel you’d expect Ralph Nader to write.

Nader’s unintentionally hilarious novel is called “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!” No. Seriously. That’s what it’s called. And it’s everything you could hope for from perennial presidential candidate and left wing lunatic.

Who buys this crap? Nader's novel is currently #488 on Amazon's list of bestselling books.
Who buys this crap? Nader's novel is currently #488 on Amazon's list of bestselling books.

Nader’s unintentionally hilarious novel is called “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!” No. Seriously. That’s what it’s called. And it’s everything you could hope for from perennial presidential candidate and left wing lunatic.

First of all, it’s long. 736 ponderous pages long. And it’s all about super-rich lefties banding together to save the world by turning America into a European-style welfare state. (May we suggest that you read it now, while it’s still fiction.)

Here’s how the Wall Street Journal reviews this instant classic:

Here, for instance, is an actual passage from “Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!”: “As promised, Ted Turner and Phil Donahue had put their heads together to brainstorm about a mascot for the group’s efforts. Ted’s thoughts naturally ran along avian lines, and it wasn’t long before they hit on the idea of a parrot. . . . Patriotic Polly hit the airwaves in fifteen-second spots shown on thousands of stations, and it was an immediate smash.”

The parrot, see, appears on TV and squawks, “Get up! Don’t let America down!” Then there’s an email address for viewers to use to join the movement to redirect America. Which the viewers do, and off we go.

Because that’s what it takes, really, to get America to agree with you, according to Ralph Nader: a parrot, a couple of TV spots, some billionaire’s cash. Why so easy? The premise of the novel is that ordinary people love Ralph Nader’s politics. They all agree with his progressive, left-wing agenda—even though, for some reason, they didn’t vote for him, in huge numbers, in two presidential elections. But with a little Hollywood pixie dust and some community-organizing money, the entire grocery list of left-wing causes from 1960 to 2009 can be enacted. The whole story is presented with such sweet earnestness that it almost seems mean to laugh at it. Almost.

Ahhhh, we’ve missed you, Ralphie. Presidential elections just don’t come around often enough for us to get our fix of Naderisms.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Ted Kennedy admitted to sleeping with more than 1,000 women

The National Enquirer says that Teddy Kennedy wanted his recently-published memoirs to include details of his sexual conquests. Unfortunately, the primmest and most-proper of the legendarily prim and proper Kennedy clan censored the embarrassing revelations out of his autobiography.

You want somma 'dis? You want somma 'dis? You want somma 'dis?
You want somma 'dis? You want somma 'dis? You want somma 'dis?

We’re almost embarrassed to say this, but two-headed aliens and Hollywood gossip aside, the National Enquirer seems to do a good job with political reporting. Consider the sad saga of John Edwards and his baby mama.

Now the Enquirer says that Teddy Kennedy wanted his recently-published memoirs to include details of his sexual conquests. Unfortunately, the primmest and most-proper of the legendarily prim and proper Kennedy clan censored the embarrassing revelations out of his autobiography.

Here’s how the Enquirer reports it:

Ted Kennedy slept with more than a thousand women – and spent at least $10 million in hush money over the years to keep his skirt-chasing a secret!

The late senator made those sensational confessions in a chapter of his autobiography, but horrified family members and advisers cut them out.

Before he died of brain cancer at age 77 on Aug. 25, the womanizing politician also revealed that he planned to seduce Mary Jo Kopechne on the night she drowned, said a close source.

Our sources say it was only 500 women, not 1000. But since Kennedy was seeing double most of his adult life, the mistake is understandable.

Source: National Enquirer

Obama’s top advisor says he’s narcissistic and may have a glass jaw

According to a new book called “The Battle for America 2008,”David Axelrod, Barack Obama’s official Yoda, confronted his young Skywalker with this statement:

obama self-loveAccording to a new book called “The Battle for America 2008,” David Axelrod, Barack Obama’s official Yoda, confronted his young Skywalker with this statement:

“At the risk of triggering the very reaction that concerns me, I don’t know if you are Muhammad Ali or Floyd Patterson when it comes to taking a punch. You care far too much what is written and said about you. You don’t relish combat when it becomes personal and nasty….”

Far as we can tell, the book has only sold three copies — one each to Kim Il-Jong, Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Source: ABCnews.com

Poet sues Oprah Winfrey for $1.2 trillion dollars

Damon Lloyd Goffe, a Bronx poet, is suing Oprah Winfrey for $1.2 trillion, claming she ripped off his poems and published them under a different title.

Talk show queen Oprah thinks about losing a $1.2 trillion
Talk show queen Oprah thinks about losing a $1.2 trillion

Oprah Winfrey is getting her ass sued off, which you may agree is a good thing if you’ve seen the talk show queen lately.

Damon Lloyd Goffe, a Bronx poet, is suing Winfrey for $1.2 trillion, claming she ripped off his poems and published them under a different title.

The National Enquirer reports:

In the legal papers, Goffe says that “in April 2008 Oprah confessed to seizing original works of authorship” and published on the internet the first draft of his work ” A Tome of Poetry” under another title “Pieces of My Soul.”

The claimant says the website in question is no longer live. 

The suit also alleges Oprah sold over 650 million editions of the work online for $20 a copy which “calculates for 1.2 trillion dollars!”

We’re thinking of suing Oprah, too, for convincing millions of idiot women to vote for Barack Obama.

That should be worth a $1.2 gazillion. Give or take a bazillion.

Source: National Enquirer via MediaBistro.com

Alec Baldwin writing a book on parenting. Stop laughing. We’re serious.

Actor and awful father Alec Baldwin is writing a book on parenting. We assume it’s title will be “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

Father of the Year Alec Baldwin with his verbally-abused daughter Ireland
Father of the Year Alec Baldwin with his verbally-abused daughter Ireland

We can’t decide if this is funny or sad. Maybe both. Actor and awful father Alec Baldwin is writing a book on parenting. We assume it’s title will be “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

Ironically, he reveals his plans in family-friendly Playboy magazine:

“It will be ironic for some people, but I’m going to write a parenting book. We’re at… an awful place right now in terms of parenting. People are raising their children with the belief that we need to be friends with our children. Kids have too much power and call too many of the shots, telling their parents what they will and won’t do.”

Baldwin continues:

“People come home, walk up the driveway, put the key in the door, and they can’t do another hard job. Parenting your children effectively is a tough job.”

Here’s a sneak preview of the audio book version of Alec Baldwin’s Guide to Good Parenting. (It’s actually the god awful voicemail he left for his 11-year old daughter a few years ago, but we present it as a public service in hopes that no one – absolutely no one – will make the mistake of buying this lunatic’s parenting book).


Source: Playboy via Deceiver.com

Obama’s Kenyan half brother writing a full book

Another Obama relative has lined up a book deal. This time it’s his half brother George. You know, the one that The One allows to wallow in poverty in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. The one who was busted for possession of pot a few months ago.

George Obama getting ready for a long day of community organizing.
George Obama getting ready for a long day of community organizing.

Another Obama relative has lined up a book deal. This time it’s his half brother George. You know, the one that The One allows to wallow in poverty in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. The one who was busted for possession of pot a few months ago.

Publishing giant Simon & Schuster says George Obama’s memoir can be expected in your favorite bookstore in January 2010.

“Homeland” will tell the story of George Obama’s sad, youthful descent into crime and poverty, his turn to community organizing and his work for the poor, a drive so powerful that he actually chooses to live among them.

Hey, wait a second. Except for that part about living among the poor “Homeland” sounds a lot like “Dreams From My Father.”

Just one thing, George. Selling dope on the street doesn’t really qualify as “community organizing.” You might want to rethink that part of your bio.

You can tell that George and Barack are brothers, because they definitely share the bullshit gene.

Source: Breitbart.com

That idiot George Bush read ten times more books than that genius Barack Obama

Since President Obama is only reading it at an average of 6 pages per day, we can't call Netherland one of those novels that you can't put down.
Since President Obama is only reading it at an average of 6 pages per day, we can't call Netherland one of those novels that you can't put down.

When asked what he was currently reading by a BBC interviewer on Tuesday, President Obama named Joseph O’Neill’s “Netherland.”

Really? Obama also said he began reading the 270-page novel back in April. That’s only about six pages per day.

George Bush, on the other hand, was well-known as a voracious reader and polished off more than 100 books per year. At Obama’s current pace, he’ll only complete about 10 books this year.

In President Obama’s defense, it takes far longer to read a book when it’s on a Teleprompter.

Source: BluegrassPundit.com

Oh, for God’s sake: Now it’s the Obama paper doll book


The all-Obama, all-the-time train continues to roll down the track.

St. Martin’s Press is publishing an Obama paper doll book. This is what the fawning press release says:

The historic journey of Barack and Michelle Obama to the White House is memorialized in this fun yet fashionable paper doll book featuring the Obamas.

For the millions who can’t get enough of this remarkable first family, here’s a book containing perforated press-out dolls of Barack and Michelle and over 30 mix-and-match coordinated outfits and accessories featuring the Obamas:

· On vacation in Hawaii
· Golfing at Camp David
· On election night
· At the extraordinary inauguration and Inaugural Ball
· Traveling the world on foreign affairs trip

· Rolling up their sleeves for a day of service
· Plus much more!

We’re thinking of doing our own version of the Obama Paper Doll book. It will have twenty mix-and-match outfits featuring the Obamas:

  • bowing to the Saudi king
  • Hugging Hugo Chavez
  • Selling out Israel
  • Apologizing to everyone and his brother
  • Speaking of his brother, it will have him ignoring his brother in the Kenya slum
  • Bathing suit so he can swim in the debt he’s created
  • A full range of colorful burkahs for Michelle
  • Plus much more!

We’ll let you know when it’s available.

Source: NationalReview.com

Keith Olbermann calls Perez Hilton “an intellectual titan” and “a civil rights leader”

Perez Hilton is “an intellectual titan” and a “civil rights leader” while Miss California Carrie Prejean is a vile human being for holding the same opinion as the majority of people in her state and in the nation.

Apparently, Olbermann got his fill of juvenile sex puns in the infamous tea bagging episode, and now decided that breast implants should become his next frontier of intellectual exploration.

We realize it sounds preposterous, but that’s precisely what liberal icon Keith Olbermann and his vile guest discuss. With great glee.

Apparently, Olbermann has given up any hope of attracting a larger audience and is now interested only in being as absurd as humanly possible.

Congratulations, Keith. It’s always nice to see someone achieve their goal.

Source: HotAir.com

Octomom lands a TV deal. For sure. Or maybe. Or not at all. Depends on who you talk to.

Reinout Oerlemans. Why would a nice Dutch man like you inflict Nadya Suleman on the rest of the world?
Reinout Oerlemans. Why would a nice Dutch man like you inflict Nadya Suleman on the rest of the world?

Nadya Suleman says she’s landed a reality show deal. Or a documentary deal. Or maybe she hasn’t.

“Yes, it is official,” Suleman said. “I’m going to be doing a show, but it’s not a reality show. What I’m doing with this TV show is basically creating documentaries about the lives of my children. It’s going to be an ongoing thing, and it will follow them from now until they are 18. It’s being done by Eyeworks. They’re in the UK. It will air in the UK and then we’ll see if the US is interested.”

Unfortunately, Nadya may have jumped the gun here. No European network has agreed to carry the show and even Eyeworks disputes that it’s reached an agreement.

“At this time we are in active negotiations with Nadya and her attorney for an unscripted format following the life of Nadya and her children,” said Eyeworks CEO Reinout Oerlemans. “Nadya’s story is a unique and exciting one that needs to be told in the right manner…We are confident that we are the right party to tell their story around the world.”

How could the OctoMom story get any wierder?

Two words: Reinout Oerlemans?

Source: Hollywood Reporter

Bernard Goldberg supports affirmative action – for conservatives in the newsroom.

Bernard Goldberg, author of A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media knows the politics of America’s newsrooms as well as anyone. And that’s why liberals detest him.

“We need newsrooms that not only look like America, but think a little more like America.”

That’s just one quote from the speech he delivered last week at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California. But there are a lot more where that came from.

Watch the whole speech. If for no other reason than you know that Barney Frank won’t.

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