It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy

It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy. Supreme Court, meet slippery slope. Politico jumps on the polygamy band wagon.

We must insist that rights cannot be dismissed out of short-term interests of logistics and political pragmatism. The course then, is clear: to look beyond political convenience and conservative intransigence, and begin to make the case for extending legal marriage rights to more loving and committed adults. It’s time.

This post was last modified on February 11, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Guess this would benefit Mormons, muzzies and cults. They're going to have to write some new tax laws.

    A married with multiple spouse family could potentially get themselves into the highest tax bracket pretty quickly. Guess a way around this will be married filing separately? Child tax credits, child care credit... it all would become a huge goat rope pretty quickly. Then as suggested above, someone marries his goat. Goat gets pregnant, has kids. Without a paternity suit the father could claim those kids for child tax credit! Sounds ridiculous, but I bet it gets tested.

    • Kim Kardashian ex husband's was legally consider the Father of her child bc they were still married when she got pregnant. Of course he let it go bc he did not want to play child support. However if indeed men can marry goats and the goat has children (with another goat) the marriage means the kids are his. So your scenario is plausible.

  • I can see it now,
    "I want a marriage license for me, 3 other guys, and 6 gerbils."

    Dear Lord, help me!!!

    • Had to reread that post Pop. Thought it read that YOU wanted a license for you, the guys and gerbils. ;)

  • So women can have many men but somehow demand them to stay loyal to her alone? Why is it that all of these things in the end only truly benefits men?

  • I agree. Makes more sense than gay marriage. At least it's possible to procreate. I assume Glenn Beck will approve being a Mormon;). And we are becoming a brown society unfortunately. The rainbow crowd can't help.

  • And the next step: Gay polygamy. 5 guys come into your church and say "Marry us!" And if you refuse, your doors will be shut.

  • Why the hell not? I don't know if I have said it here but here goes anyway.

    Two women to cook, wash dishes, clean the house, sweep and mop floors, vacuum carpets, scrub the toilet, change the beds, wash the linen and clothes including my skid marked skivvies? What divorced man my age wouldn't like that? Plus, maybe, a little double the pleasure, double the fun? (snicker)

    The problem is what if they hit menopause at the same time? I lived through several years of hell before my divorce and that will never happen in my life again. Instead of double the pleasure that would be double the bitchiness.

  • Why not go all the way? Let's have beastility marriages, automobile marriages, forest marriages. According to the 5 fools in robes the 14th Amendment grants all kinds of marriage privileges.