Jay Carney refers all scandal questions to other agencies


Jay Carney refers all scandal questions to other agencies. 10 times in 10 minutes he told reporters to go ask their questions somewhere else. Apparently the president’s motto for his second term will remain the same as it was for his first term: The Buck Stops Elsewhere.

This post was last modified on November 14, 2012

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (http://www.travelynpublishing.com/), and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (11)

  • Looks like it takes a special breed of moron to be able to lie with a straight face as much as this turd burglar does.

  • Every time Carney opens his mouth a lie tumbles out. If the MSM wasn't totally in the bag for Obama, they could call him out on his falsehoods, but they're more interested in protecting The One.

  • Is it possible to find a "Dumber" press secretary? I mean anyone slower than this would have to wear a helmet and ride a very short bus.

      • He was hired because he is willing to lie and humiliate himself in the public eye. Period. Dumb is better for that job - he won't ask too many questions.

  • Jay Carney is way over his head. I used to think Obama was too, but now I know that he knows exactly what he is doing and it is terrifying.

  • They should fire weasel boy and save tax dollars. They seldom have press conferences, when they do it's usually pre-approved softball questions and when someone ask a real question you get crap like weasel boy telling reporters to ask questions elsewhere. Sounds like a 4 year old who when you ask him why he did something tells you "I don't know."

    • More like a 4 year old with powdered sugar all over his face, standing next to the chair at the counter full of crumbs saying “No! I didn’t eat the donut! It must have been Johnny! Go ask HIM!”