Key swing state newspaper dumps Obama and endorses Romney – the first Republican it has supported since

Key swing state newspaper dumps Obama and endorses Romney – the first Republican it has supported since Nixon. They even rejected a personal plea from Obama! This is yet more proof of desperation and panic in the Obama camp. A sitting president shouldn’t be begging a newspaper to endorse him.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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    • You know, this is not the 1st time Romney has run for high politcal office. He ran against the drunken vehicular homicidal Ted Kennedy in 94. He ran for Governor & won in 2002. He ran for President in 08 & this year. At some point, if Romney were as big a piece of sh!t as his critics claim he is, they would have exposed him & offered actual proof. That has'nt happened because there is no evidence that he did anything illegal. I know that you will believe what you want to believe, & that the facts won't matter, but what I said is true. Whether you like or whether you don't.

      • Your flogging a dead and decaying horse trying to convince Johnny Basement of anything. He has a Ron Paul fetish and can not deal with the country deciding not to elect his savior. Poor Basement Johnny, years of therapy and heavy drug dependency will follow the election. That means more time in Mommy's basement and he will never again be qualified to be a census taker which means a life of unemployment, welfare, bunny slippers, cheetos' and long conversations with mommy about mean Mitt Romney. Can you imagine if this piece of dung were to have children? In ten years we would be reading about some wacko in a Cult devoted to Ron Paul who killed three hundred of his followers because they did not vote correctly, or agree to have his love children, or didn't like cheeto's.

      • I would like jockstrap there to know that because of his interminable infantile whining, I would now vote for Sock Puppet before Ron Paul.

  • The rats are leaving the sinking ship in droves now, expect the Lame Stream Media to begin deserting soon.

    • Hey, now, stop with the unflattering comparison of rats to democrats and media types. Rats have feelings, too.

  • Yes, the Dez Monez Regitard. A quality (for varying amounts of quality) paper. A lib hack from a town that is in hock up to their eyeballs thanks to out-of-control spending. Maybe they're on a quest for relevance -- but they certainly aren't my paper of record...

    • I'll be there next week on business (I voted early) and I promise that I'll read the DMR just as much as I ever have when there on business before... which is "never."

      That they endorsed Romney proves they know what we have known and when it all comes tumbling down for Obama next week they just want to be seen as relevant.

      • But you have to admit Obama begging for the endorsement of a basically useless newspaper proves the desperation.

        • By all means, yes, I agree. It is one of many indicators that has been telling me since August 1st that this election was already lost for Obama... and he knew there was no way to turn it.

          • It may be an interesting exercise in trying to remain afloat. The lib media's only hope is for 0 to l0se. If the people in DSM are lib-politic-driven, then the endorsement is a waste of time and what little credibility they have. If the people in DSM are media-driven, then the Regitard will return to solvency by returning to their old schtick of sniping at the Republicans that *they* put in office.

            You'll not that nowhere in that above paragraph did I imply *anywhere* that their endorsement has anything to do with their beliefs.

          • Amen, perlcat. For the umpteen millionth time you are right as rain! They'll be back to business-as-usual on Thursday 8 November.

            They'll take Wednesday to regroup, retool and determine the next four years' narrative.

  • I love "Staph" Cutter's ultimate meltdown about it... "Well, DMR isn't based in reality." "DMR is irrelevant, anyway." "No one reads DMR, so who cares!"