Lawsuit: Arizona college suspended student because she wanted English-only classes

Lawsuit: Arizona college suspended student because she wanted English-only classes. Looks like they should change the name to Pendejo Community College.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • The only 'BITCH' in this situation is the nursing program director, David Kutzler.

  • The new official language in the US is Ghetto Spanglish, and the new written language is single letter texting. How dare someone ask for actual English.

  • Time to embrace "Racist/bigot" like the blacks embrace "Niqqer". Racist just means someone interested in their people's self preservation.

      • Your right KimmyQueen, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I just get so tired of seeing conservatives and Christians being labeled racist just because they standup for their beliefs. How in the world did we get to where if you wear a cross or want your class taught in English you are an intolerable racist/bigot.

        • Thank you. I don't like the word and I don't like the overuse of the word racist, because it really lowers the true racism that does/may exist in society. We just need to keep at it with the truth and do what we have to do. In all truth it is Conservatives and Christians that fell asleep at the wheel. We got complacent and worried and choked for our own cares and our wants and we let the Progressives take over without a fight. In many ways even though I really and truly dislike Obama I have to say that his advent and his "rule" has woken up A LOT of people into trying to save the country. Christians are now becoming more politically aware and voting the Bible so to speak and Conservatives are becoming more courageous and most of those in my opinion are women and minorities which is a marvelous sight to behold. For every bad there is a good we just need to be aware of it and go forward in faith to accomplish the goals that are best for this country.

      • KQ you are correct. They are unfortunately smeared with it by those who claim to be down for the struggle. The only thing that charlatan and jack ass are down for is the money and the new 32 year old honey.

        • Yes I do believe that the word is overused and overplayed and over done. It is only descriptive of the sorry ass fools that are out there creating trouble and I don't think that any Black person of any education and respectability should use nor embrace that word under any circumstances.

  • Why would anyone get all pissed off at an English only class at an American College? What a load of crap to expel someone for wanting to have an English only class. You know the language they were taught.

    More proof that tenured staff are a joke and need to be abolished

  • This comes from the school where Jared Loughner attended as an actively paranoid schizophrenic. His mental illness was well known and documented, and like this student, he was suspended from school and the campus police delivered to him a letter from school administration telling him he would be arrested for trespassing if he returned. They NEVER sought to have him evaluated or committed against his will, even though Arizona has one of the most liberal commitment provisions of any state. They didn't give a damn about him nor the community, they just wanted him "gone". Ask the parents of the dead 6 yr. old how that worked out......

  • This fits seamlessly into the big picture that features a continuing legislative refusal to secure the borders- despite the fact that we're supposedly on a perpetual state of heightened alert that "justifies" treating airline passengers like prisoners as endorsed by an administration that has ostensibly targeted lawful citizens for agency harassment based on an inconvenient but legal political stance- after all isn't the re immaculation of the Messiah even more sacred since Ambassador Stevens gave his life for it?

    These are almost certainly Democrat voters that Ms. Bennett is "harassing"- and they are key to the regime's continuity as more and more English speaking non minorities become aware of the depth to which their government has sunk in perpetrating its treasonous agenda. After all, isn't it their right to thumb their noses at our way of life. Surely they are entitled to make living day to day more difficult as they overwhelm the system toward its breaking point.

  • So who the hell would want a nurse that CAN NOT speak English? Doctor Orders an aspirin and you get an enema????? Via La Obamadeathcare!

  • If what she stated is true I hope she wins ten trillion dollars in her lawsuit. She will need it until the hyperinflation kicks in.