Like your health care policy? You may be losing it

Like your health care policy? You may be losing it. If you like your healthcare plan, bend forward please.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (13)

    • Dang it. They are on to us!

      We would all be perfectly happy to pay way more money for un-flexible care, by doctors who will be invading our privacy and sending all of our personal data to the government to decide how worthy we are or make other critical decisions FOR us and ABOUT us, if only the president were white.

      I thought we were being way more subtle, but us racists - we are pretty transparent.

  • I am just gonna join the Kalifornia medical club, Next time I am sick I will go to the hospital E.R. Tell them my name is Juan Moretime and gave them a fake address, perhaps they can help me get a fake ID and Driver's license and sign me up to vote democrap while I am there.

  • Like your healthcare policy? You may be losing it?

    True. Unless you work for the gooberment and/or a union.

  • Off topic, but best story of the day.

    Headline this morning: McCain states on Anderson Cooper 360 that he is confident we can identify the good guys in Syria.
    Headline three hours later: From McCain's office: McCain was unaware he was posing with a rebel kidnapper in photo.
    You can't make up this level of stupidity.

    • Great story Bob. This is what happens when you do a photo op only to reinforce a pre-conceived message, instead of going there to make a critical evaluation BEFORE deciding whether you want to provide potential jihadis with body armour and lethal weapons. These losers did the same thing with the boarder fence, trying to get the correct "optics" to show how the southern boarder was really, really secure. Some illegal came over right in front of them totally destroying the propaganda effort.

      From democrats I expect this behavior because they are completely morally corrupt as a party. That a large number of republicans are in league with these rascals is really disheartening. They are not true opposition. This phony McCain and his RINO pals do not deserve office.

  • Despite having their phone records ransacked by Team BO, the AP still has some love left for BO, as this puff piece amply demonstrates. Reading this article you would have no idea that most of the exchanges are way behind schedule, and that doesn't include the 27 states which haven't agreed to even set them up. Notice that while they admit that millions of people will not be able to keep their existing coverage, they state that most will like the replacement plans better(no mention of what they will think of their increased premiums). As the January deadline for full implementation of the Leviathan approaches the AP is going to be totally surprised by the uproar. Too bad for them.

    • Unfortunately the tyrants have pretty effectively brainwashed enough people into supporting them and have begun importing an undocumented constituency to where the country is already gone.