Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial. And it’s big bad Lindsey Brown, baddest man in the whole damn town….. If he really wants to torture them to death he should make them listen to his stupid ideas.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • In his defense --which I admit is more than he deserves - any American who joins the armed forces of an enemy power at war with the US may be considered to have forfeited his US citizenship and be treated as any other enemy combatant. At this point, I would consider it merest pedantry to debate the status of ISIS or al-Qaeda as such a foreign enemy power -- they may not be countries or nations with defined borders and such things, but like it or not, they are armies at war with us.

    So yeah, if you were born in Dubuque and fly to Syria and turn up in a black suit waving the Jihadi flag -- yeah baby. BOOM. Make 'em the example of what NOT to do.

    • You make a good point. What is needed is someone to explain things to Graham in such a way that he stops saying stupid shit.

  • He is saying this shit to get attention. Cause in reality he has about the same chance of being president as Homer Simpson. So he thinks he can order up a drone strike and kill anyone who wants to join ISIS? The only way I could see that as a good thing is if we place ISIS flags on the roofs of democrat leaders homes....BOOM! ..Oh that was Harry Ried's house?....oopppss..BOOM! Oh that was Alan Grayson's house? Darn...BOOM!..That was Nancy Pelosi's house?..hehe ooppppsss...

    • the President claims the power to order U.S. citizens killed anywhere in the world, while engaged even in the most benign activities carried out far away from any actual battlefield, based solely on his say-so and with no judicial oversight or other checks. That’s quite a power for an American President to claim for himself.

      barry and Bush

  • Why does South Carolina, which IS a conservative state, keep sending this assclown back to Washington DC?

    • For the same reason Boxer, Piglosi, Reid and so many others keep getting reelected. They bring home the bacon to their districts.