Mark Cuban: This tech bubble is ‘far worse’ than back in 2000

Mark Cuban: This tech bubble is ‘far worse’ than back in 2000. Cuban didn’t get to where he is at by not knowing what he’s talking about. All the same the sudden pop of the current stock market bubble is worrying us far more.

Kip Hooker:

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  • There is far too much govt money in the markets and Cuban knows it. Its away for quagmire to pay back his buddies just before he screws them and us.

  • There have always been bubbles and there always will be. I would venture to make a barely-educated guess that they will get worse in the future as more people have the cash to throw into investments and more people are looking for a lottery win (that elusive 10x + stock). The stock market has alternated between being overvalued and undervalued since there was a stock market.

    But that is not the important question.

    The bubble we really should be concerned about is the regulation bubble. Or call it the gov't meddling bubble, whatever. Every time there is a bubble, talk of a bubble, money being made by people who were not officially approved to make money by the officials who are empowered by the Constitution to regulate the making of money (that's sarcasm), money being lost by people who made the requisite donations to said empowered people fully trusting them to ensure that they will make money, we inevitably hear the call for MORE REGULATION. They will tell us it's to save the children, or the cute puppies, or some other pap.

    So Mark - I've heard you talk. You seem to be one of us. Or at least you make yourself sound like it. I know you're not fond of the Net Neutrality business that's been recently foisted on you, and us. How about, instead of gaining attention with the-sky-is-falling pronouncements, you put more attention on THAT bubble. It may not get you the attention you seem to desire, but we'll all be better off for it.

    • The problem is, we have a much better chance of controlling the tech bubble than the regulation/gov't meddling bubble. That bubble will never be brought under control.