MCCAIN SMASHES OBAMA BACK: YOU’RE INCOMPETENT OR CORRUPT. It’s too bad someone didn’t bring this issue up before the recent election. In fact, it’s too bad this wasn’t hammered mercilessly by the Republicans.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • We all know that the SCOAMF is incompetent at best, most likely criminally so and definitely corrupt.

    What I want to know is who is the patriot hero who donated his spine to McCan't?

  • Corrupt, absolutely.
    Incompetent. absolutely not, he has proven himself entirely competent in implementing his master's agenda for my country.
    soros notwithstanding obama's master is none other than the accuser of the Brethren. and before anybody sighs in exasperation and thinks i'm bringin religion into it, let me say that I most definitely am not. if you want to say I'm bringing Christianity into it... absolutely correct.


    Those are not mutually exclusive. Obama could be both, in fact, I'd say the odds are very high in favor of that proposition.

    • Incompetent? He has done everything he said he was going to do....high energy prices, overbearing government, health insurance takover, student loan takeover, payoffs to union buddies, wealth redistribution, etc. I'd say that, depending on your POV, BHO has been wildly successful.

      Corrupt!? Beyond comprehension.

      • I believe it bears observing that many here (and hopefully in America at large) have arrived at the same conclusion. I think it's not to farfetched to believe that the same conclusions espoused by so many reasonable people bear witness to the truth, not so much as we see it, but as it is.
        I'm proud to be included in such company, surprised even, that my understanding and logic is validated by you folks who I freely and humbly admit are way more wise than I.

        now if only we could find some way to get this info to the ignorant and/or complacent of this nation.

    • I think "Dear Leader" is the perfect mix of INCOMPETENT AND CORRUPT, with Pathological liar thrown in for good measure.

    • I have to agree... he could very easily be both things at the same time. It is very very possible that incompetence lead to Sept 11 attack in Benghazi, but it was the corruption that kept him from being transparent as he promised that he would be.

      As for McCain (I call him McCan't) it could be that he is trying to get back at Obama, he did say that if he had won this would have not had happened. I am willing to believe him, he would have known about the attacks and would have done something about it, perhaps there could have been an attack yet and maybe people could have died but he could ahve done what he could have done to be ready for the attack if he couldn't prevent it.

      Let him do his job and let him see what he can do.

  • I don't think calling McCain a pussy is quite right... if you look at a man who had ever bone in his body broken while in a Vietnamese POW camp... who stayed behind when offered a chance to leave the camp early because he felt it was wrong. Many more example of his heroism.

    What I agree with you however, is that McCain is spotty on his leadership, and the rest of the right wing leadership is worse. There are very few conservative republicans... freedom loving replublicans. Worse yet... none of our elected representatives seem to even be adults... it's like watching a bunch of teenagers trying to run the world.

  • McCain is still a pussy. He was a pussy when he ran-he is a pussy now-so much so, he STFU until after barry was elected.
    Our leadership on the Right is a joke! it is not leadership-it is a bunch of nancy-boys leading a bunch of nancy-boys, while we supporters scream for action, and see none. However, we are better than the left where leadership is concerned!

  • Daaaaamn! Is Johnny Mac thinking of running for president again? I think if he had shown this kind of fortitude in 08 he would have won. Substance and balls instead of all that whiney Joe the plumber nonsense.

      • MGAP, McCain the politician is a guttless bitch. He did'nt think twice about about being ruthless in trying to become the GOP nominee, & then he tried to play nice with Obama & the Dems. Romney did the same thing. That's why they lost to a margionally documented blank slate in 2008, & a margionally documented failure who accepts no responsibility for anything that happened on his watch in 2012.