National Academy of Science Confirms That Billions Wasted On Climate Models

National Academy of Science Confirms That Billions Wasted On Climate Models. Looks to us like the climate prognosticators could have saved billions by purchasing Magic 8 Balls and gotten the same results.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Looks to us like the climate prognosticators could have saved billions by purchasing Magic 8 Balls and gotten the same results.

    Why buy a Magic 8 Ball? Flipping a coin is more accurate than these climate models!

  • Heh heh, Magic 8-ball. That's why I've always called our local weatherpersons media-urologists. My daughter caught it when she was about 13 and asked why, "because their forecasts are usually like pi... peeing into the wind".

  • How much did Bernie Madoff get away with? Apparently he was a piker compared to Goreicle and his science buddies.

  • Hey, maybe RFK Jr. will now call the National Academy of Science a bunch of call girls for the oil industry, eh?

  • Another inconvenient truth for Al the Goricle, speaking of which have they foreclosed on his beachfront place yet?

  • The reality is that "The Models" are nothing more than Excel spread sheets.

    More reality, "The Models" have not predicted any future results correctly. Any as in NONE.

    Even more reality, "The Models" cannot regress previous data model correctly.

    On last bit of reality, "The Models" no matter what the data input to "The Models", "The Models" always deliver a warming temperature result.

    Finally, the reality is that the shyster con-men that make "The Models" have received 1000 times the money that skeptical scientists have received from evil oil and energy companies.

    • Y, a "model" is a mathematical map of a territory, in this case climate. In most cases, when the map doesn't match the territory (i.e. someone falls down an embankment the map doesn't show as being there) then it is the map that is wrong. This is painfully self-evident and obvious to almost everyone. But in "climate science", when you fall down an embankment the map doesn't show as being there, it's because no-embankment denialists funded by Big Embankments have created one that doesn't exist in order to further their agenda of keeping us embankment-dependent.

  • I tell ya, I'm going to look askance at the scientists who stood by and watched as this fraud was perpetrated. Remember the warning about "good men doing nothing"?

    Every scientist who now says, "Yeah, I knew this was bogus," should be asked, "Can you show us what you wrote condemning it? Or were you hiding under your desk?"