New police radars can ‘see’ inside homes


New police radars can ‘see’ inside homes. The people who line their walls and windows with foil were right.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (17)

  • You can be sure that these devices, like all their predecessors, are considered purely for nefarious reasons, and if they can be used for anything other than the purposes they are allegedly "intended" for, so much the better.

    Nothing is developed, with vigour, for the GOOD of the public at large, but merely for increased revenue and/or control.

  • If this is the civilian / LEO version, you just know there's a military version out there that's better. Just need to find what frequency they operate at, not too hard to build a jammer, I bet the Russians already have.

  • If you have an older home with plaster walls:
    1. find a suitable electrical outlet,
    2. chip away a small bit of plaster to expose the support wire,
    3. using a small piece of spare wire, connect the support wire to the ground wire behind the outlet,
    4. replace the original faceplate with an oversize faceplate.
    5. ???
    6. PROFIT!

  • Using this without a warrant is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. Make your case and most judges will grant a search warrant. It's truly not that difficult to get one.

    The excuses cited are lame and those who made them know it.

  • Like so many other technologies/inventions, there's the likelihood of it being used inappropriately.

    When being used properly I'm all for such devices.

  • I have no problem with this. All it does is detect motion and relative distance of the object in motion. Seems like a tool that has the potential to save lives of cops serving warrants. Also would benefit SWAT teams breaching a building to know how many bad guys and roughly where they are inside.

    • "The problem isn't that the police have this. The issue isn't the technology; the issue is always about how you use it and what the safeguards are," said Hanni Fakhoury, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

      There's the point. Also, read the full story. 1) There are already radars in use use more sensitive than that and 2) Technology ALWAYS advances. No, I have no problem with the use of any of them. As long as they aren't penetrating the Constitution.

    • It goes to say that i don't plan on going jihadi and holding hostages nor do I anticipate having a SWAT team blast down my door to arrest me for some heinous crime. I imagine this device will have liberals foaming at their vaginas with indignation ( yes, liberal men have vaginas ).

      • Not Just Liberals but true Conservatives as well.

        Remember when being a Conservative meant being against Big Government. Can't get much bigger government than this.