NYU Throws Out Blind Chinese Human Rights Activist

NYU Throws Out Blind Chinese Human Rights Activist. Evidently you have to participate in an armored car robbery, take part in the killing of two guards and a police officer and be a convicted murderer to be considered a human rights activist at NYU.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (11)

  • Chen is not violent and he is pro life. Those two things alone would get anyone tossed out of NYU.

    I agree with JP, a college education is pretty much useless today. Anything you really need to know you can get through correspondence courses online, it's much cheaper and you don't have to take all the nonsense classes to get a diploma.

  • Evidently you have to participate in an armored car robbery, take part in the killing of two guards and a police officer and be a convicted murderer to be considered a human rights activist at NYU. "

    Worth repeating!

  • I saw some film on television when Christian Bale tried to visit Chen Guengcheng. They wouldn't let him go forward but handled him with kid gloves as a camera was rolling. Chen is a hero and none of the commie campuses deserve to have him on campus. I've read elsewhere about his brave Pro-Life and human rights activism and to think that he does it while BLIND. He's sorta like a male Helen Keller.

  • Christian Bale went to China to visit him a year or two ago. He was ill treated by the Chinese police. I love him so much before Batman before all of that, huge fan, and seeing him going through that just made me love that man even more. In any case, he was able to present this man an award and he got very emotional (which is not common). In all truth it is because of Christian Bale that I know about this activist.

    It is really disgusting that they are doing this after all the crap that he had to go through to leave that country and do what he had to do. It is obvious regardless of the university's words that they are looking to get rid of him in order to get what they need from the Chinese. This is wrong, however the man is a graceful individual and I am sure he will get what he needs.

  • Wow, this mess pretty much says all anyone needs to know about higher education in 2013. I wouldn't send a kid to college today if you paid me. I'm already lobbying my kids to keep my grandkids out of college, and both my sons-in-law are non-college-educated successful men who believe in working for a living so I have allies. Personally, I think colleges are last century's technology anyway. If you need or want knowledge, you can get it on the Internet, or in a book you purchase on the Internet, or in a correspondence course. Who really needs to know the "History of Feminism" or the "Derivation of Racial Preferences in Colonial British Possessions"?

  • If you're not a pedophile, rapist, liar, racist, murderer, or politician with a (D) after your name you're just not someone a 19 year old kid wants to listen to anymore.