Obama: I’m more of a moderate Republican than a socialist

Obama: I’m more of a moderate Republican than a socialist. Obama: “The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.” Of course, if someone like Obama had run for president in the 1980s, he would’ve also been considered a moderate nut. Ask the late Geraldine Ferraro.

This post was last modified on April 12, 2021

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (13)

  • RIGHT! You're a moderate Republican, and I'm a woman, living as a man, and am a hardcore right winger.
    I believe in abortion, and am against the death penalty because it's wrong to kill people, I believe in gun control because it keeps criminals from harming people, I believe everything nanny Bloomturd says, because he's only doing it for our own good.


  • I don't recall any hard core, die hard communists being republicans or even claiming to be republicans in the 80's or ever. Well, except up until now of course.

  • Interesting. Greg Gutfeld said many weeks or months ago that when it comes to liberals they rely or advocate conservative/moderate ideals in order to either garner respect, votes or to assist them with their policies when they fail. It is amazing how predictible these people are when you spend time studying them like the animals and primitives they are.

    • Eisenhower called this kind of rhetoric "exquisite nonsense". Sounds good at first but then you realize after a second or two that it is drivel.

  • Either he believes his own bs or he is bsing the Spanish TV station. As if they could not see through that pitiful statement.

    • I say both, Sidekick. He believes the bs he pedals because that is what his handlers tell him. Then he turns around and adds in his own bs.

  • OK that made me throw up. If he ran for prez in the '80's he would have been thought a Communist and thrown off the bus, unlike today where he is thought to be just a communist, now accepted by the many. What a ridiculous son of a bitch to say something so stupid. How I hate that man, let me count the ways.....

  • Yea and pigs fly to the mosque every day. This son of a bitch and that is what he is by his own admission is so full of it. He has never been a moderate, he is a hell bent for leather destroyer of America and our way of life. Just to make the rest of the world like him better.