Obama says chlorine gas used by Syria is not a chemical weapon

Obama says chlorine gas used by Syria is not a chemical weapon. [2:25 mark] Never mind that it kills people, makes them puke and suffocate, and even survivors suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia for weeks. Never mind all that. The smartest president ever wants you to know that he took away Syria’s chemical weapons so those chlorine gas attacks you’re hearing about ain’t about nothin’.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (http://www.travelynpublishing.com/), and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (15)

  • Well, there is a reasonable explanation for this statement.
    Obama is kissing Muslim extremist ass again.

  • The Geneva Protocol of 1925 bans the “use in war” of “asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases” along with “all analogous liquids, materials or devices”. If converted into lethal gas and used to kill people, chlorine and ammonia would fall within this broad definition. Chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon during the First World War, so the Protocol’s authors would have had it in mind. It would be hard to defend the Assad regime from the charge of breaking this agreement, which Syria signed in 1968.

    • Yeah, but those are just, you know, facts and stuff. Obama is way above facts and stuff.

  • "The smartest guy in the room" just proves he ain't once again....Maybe he thinks Chlorine gas gets your white extra white.....

  • Tell that to the victims there quagmire. You drew a line and then when it was crossed, you ran away from the conflict.

  • I suppose Mr. Obama might say that mustard gas from WW I would be considered a hot dog topping.

    • My father and Jim Stewart's grandfather was gassed in WW I and suffered for years afterwards. I remember my dad saying the Germans used chlorine gas in WW I. FYI he was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart.

      • Yup. Jim Brett never talked about the war and he should have gotten an award for turning me into a conservative. I was the only kid in school wearing a Barry Goldwater for President button. One of my enduring memories of talking with him was soon after the US Mint converted the quarter to the copper-nickel stuff we have today. He held it up and said, "look at this, it's an LBJ sandwich. Damn Democrats!!" A priceless memory.