“Our lord and savior Barack Obama”

“Our lord and savior Barack Obama.” Spoken by oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx at the previously recorded Soul Train Awards broadcast on BET Sunday. No need to dig out of the hole, the sh*t is now so deep we can stand on it. BTW, will Jamie be getting a Nobel Peace Prize now as well?

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (31)

  • Now we all see the mind set of Barry's voters and supporters. So when his policies start to have and adverse affect upon the likes of Foxx and others, will they all be crying O lord barry why hast thou forsaken us. Stupid asses.

    What's next will there be idols made of this fraud?

  • In his book The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama writes:

    I was not raised in a religious household. For my mother, organized religion too often dressed up closed-mindedness in the garb of piety, cruelty and oppression in the cloak of righteousness. However, in her mind, a working knowledge of the world's great religions was a necessary part of any well-rounded education. In our household the Bible, the Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.

    On Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites.In sum, my mother viewed religion through the eyes of the anthropologist; it was a phenomenon to be treated with a suitable respect, but with a suitable detachment as well.

        • Everyone will meet his Maker. Those who do not know their TRUE Lord and Savior will then meet the one you mentioned.

          • My Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ.

            Barack Obama's mother was raised by non-practicing Christians; his father was raised a Muslim but was an atheist by the time he had married Obama's mother. In his autobiography, President Obama described his stepfather's beliefs as, "a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths."

            Obama continues to try and be part of every religion. He has openly claimed to be Muslim and claimed to be a Christian. For 20 years from 1989 until the presidential campaign of 2008, he was a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ, which introduced itself online as, "a congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA... and remain 'true to our native land,' the mother continent."

    • My FIL watches Judge Judy, and I saw this episode back in Sept.
      I wanted to beat them both with the gavel, while the bailiff beat them with his club.
      This is a perfect example of our money going down the rathole.

    • i think the little boy has a history of cocaine use.
      i think the little girl has a history of gluttony.

      I wonder if Judge Judy actually sent the tape to congress.
      I think the bailiff wanted to pull out his billy club and go to town on the little boy.

      • You know the signs were there and I didn't even notice until you said it. You are right!

        If Judge Judy sent that to Congress they would waste a day laughing their asses off about it and keep doing the status quo.