Poll: Obama would be better equipped than Romney to deal with alien invasion

Poll: Obama would be better equipped than Romney to deal with alien invasion. A survey commissioned for the National Geographic Channel’s series Chasing UFOs shows folks think Obama would be better than Romney at handling an invasion by extraterrestrials, but they never explain what they mean by “handling.” We think Obama’s reaction to such an invasion would go something like this:

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (26)

  • I agree. He already has vast experience selling us out to the UN. I'm sure he'd readily volunteer to help hunt down the subversives in the US (i.e. conservatives with guns who like freedom) that would object to rule by his administration. Oh, sorry, I mean the new alien administration. Maybe we wouldn't see much of a difference.

        • Yea John they would call you for dinner and when you get there, your the dinner....with the phones again....face palm....

          • I'm the one obsessed with phones? You're the ones with at least three threads dedicated to it. The one with 4000 posts and at least two others I've personally seen.

          • With you little boy its a phone fetish....The five year old mentality, gimme gimme mine mine gimme....

  • The only reason he would deal with them better is because those radar dishes on the sides of his head would give him advance warning of their arrival, and he would be at the landing zone in a perfect bow when they arrive, offering then the key to the Capitol, and Holder would be offering them a truckload of AK-47's and RPG's.

    • first he would apologize for our existence, then bow, then hand over the country to them. Or it will be like mars attacks and the whole peace scene with the dove.

  • First the aliens would have to know that we exist. Secondly we would have to know that they exist.

    I agree though, the democrats and Obama could talk the aliens to death.
    If all else fails though; we do have a not so secret weapon? The gay community "They know how to get them in the end".

  • Scully: Extraterrestrial visitors from beyond who, apparently, have nothing better to do than buzz one mountain over and over again for 700 years.

    Mulder: Sounds like crap when you say it.

    Jenn: But if they do show up, why, Obama will sure handle them well! Apparently.

  • Obama=alien, so I guess he would be dealing with his own kind....I bet he would make them all citizens and allow them to vote democratic of course....

  • The UFOers probably think Obama would do better against an alien invasion than Romney because Obama has been a tough guy with the drones. But the aliens would destroy the drones on their way in. And then they would keep Obama as one of their overlords. And then Obama would get on TV and say:"Change has come to America!"

  • But if you continue watching the episode (or clicking one of the suggested links in the embedded video) you'll see how Obama might flip-flop, pardon, "evolve" on the issue when it turns out that the alien invasion was something fake and cooked up by Krugman.

    Of course, it would say something that one is a Nobel Prize winner for something the committe thought he might have do in the future (and didn't) and the other is a Nobel Prize winner for economics (and the Nobel Prize is in the red). Hah.

  • Wait a minute...you're saying BO & Co is not, itself, an alien invasion? Sure fooled me.