Some Troops Given Incorrect Ballots, May Not Be Able to Vote

Some Troops Given Incorrect Ballots, May Not Be Able to Vote. My, how convenient for Obama can this be?

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Anyone who wears the uniform, if not voting for race only, should support the anybody-but-doofus ticket and kick this repugnant, self-serving bastard out of the Whitehouse ASAP.

  • Whoever did this, mistake or not, should be arrested and tried for fraud and interfering with a lawful election. Then tossed into prison for a very long time. If anyone deserves to have their absentee vote counted it is our men and women in uniform.

    • Wholeheartedly agree!. Yeah, we're going to hear the old flaming bullshit about it's just a bureaucrat error.,Nn harm was intended, blah blah blah. Since this always seems to happen, and democruds are always at the bottom of it, only a total idiot will buy this "simple error" crap. But, there are no shortage of brainwashed idiots out there.
      Not only will no one be locked up as they ought to be, no one will even be fired.