Top Ten Reasons Why Jeb Bush Is NOT A Conservative

Top Ten Reasons Why Jeb Bush Is NOT A Conservative. Not to mention he should be running as a Democrat,

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (14)

  • If it looks like a RINO, walks like a RINO, speaks like a RINO and votes like a RINO... and most telling, the other RINOs like him.

  • Sorry Jeb'ama. Diggin' on Kommon Kore and illegal immigration excludes you from the conservative party.

  • Jeb is nothing more then a weak kneed toe sucker grabbing on his father's coattails. He flip-flops more then the fish on that Faith No More video from the 80's.

  • Jeb will run for any political potty thinking he is pre ordained, perhaps he will be the first "burning bush".

    • When the far left took over the Democratic party in the 90s, there were no options for moderate Democrats with talent who wanted to make a career in the lucrative business of politics - so they became Republicans instead. Sam Nunn, Daniel Patrick Moynihan would be Republicans today and would have more integrity than some of the Republicans running for office.

      = Jeb!

  • Didn't see "Because he's a Bush" on the list.

    This is why a bunch of folks got on the Mayflower a while back. To get away from a bunch of mother fkers that ruled in succession just because they born into it.

  • Along with Linda Graham, Jeb is the most spineless, weak kneed, wishy washy, buffoon in the race. Even if the MSM informed the lofo's about Hillary's years of criminal activity, Jeb would lose in a landslide to not only Hill, but the write in voters voting for Mickey Mouse.
    And yes, no question Jeb (and Linda) is a democrap. He won't admit it because the dem's wont have a spineless wimp like him, but being a spineless wimp is an asset in the Stupid Party.

  • I guess they had to stick with 10 because if they gave the whole list, it would crash the server.