Twitter censors black pro-lifers


Twitter censors black pro-lifers. They had the audacity to question the NAACP’s liberal policies and mention “the failure of the civil rights organization to represent the best interests of the community.” What were they thinking? Black people aren’t allowed to criticize the left! Everybody knows that!

This post was last modified on February 10, 2021

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (11)

  • They are scared to death of the following observation going mainstream: Have you ever noticed how virtually all these lecturers on race defend 1000 plus abortions of black children in this country daily?
    It is said that Martin Luther King's niece, Dr. Alveda King, was kept out of Coretta Scott King's funeral because of her outspoken Pro-Life efforts.

  • Must not derail the democrats' "Negro Project." It's right on schedule and chugging away towards Margaret Sanger's fantasy of the elimination of the black race.

  • I attended the West Coast Walk for Life this past Saturday and among the pre-walk speakers were two members of the African American Pro-life movement. They both gave impassioned speeches, particularly that of a women who was forcibly sterilized as a young girl of 14. Apparently at that time in the South, her county had a eugenics officer who answered to the board of health. This officer essentially coerced her illiterate grandmother into signing off on the order for this young girl to be sterilized!. This woman was more than familiar with Margaret Sanger and the movement, and the damage being done to the African American community in the name of choice. She really had the participants fired up. What a courageous person she is.

    • Every one is horrified when they spak of Hitler's eugenics program, bnut the samme thing was alive and well right here in America. And not just for blacks. Anyone that was seen as unfit for any reason (includng poverty) was sterilized. There is some suspicion that Lucky Lindy arranged for the kidnap of his child in order to get him into an institution, as he was viewed as having some developmental issues. And Linbergh also went to Germany and met with German eugenicists from Hitler's program. He impregnated 3 German women while he was there as well.

  • If the NAACP-Planned Parenthood Klan were around in 1750 Alex Haley probably wouldn't have survived pro-choice to write about Kunta Kinte.