U.S. GENERAL: OBAMA PARALYZED BY FEAR. What Obama and Panetta are completely unable to comprehend is no plans during a war work as planned. There is no way to know what’s going on before you commit. Plans in a war constantly change by the day, hour, minute or second. You can’t micromanage a war, or combat or an attack on an embassy. You adapt or you lose, or even die. Our military is run by two clueless buffoons.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (24)

  • I disagree about Obama and Panetta being buffoons. It assumes they mean well.

    I believe they know exactly what they are doing in weakening our standing in the world.

  • "Dear Leader's " disdain for the military in this country is simply disgraceful. Of course no mention from the Lame Stream Media about how the deaths in Afghanistan have skyrocketed since this chickenshit excuse of a commander in thief changed the Rules Of Engagement.

  • A little o/t, but this statement [Our military is run by two clueless buffoons.] has application to about 90% of the Obama Administration. From the EPA killing the coal industry to Mooch trying to starve our public school students with rabbit food for lunch. Fast & Furious = undeclared war on Mexico. The Food Stamp boondoggle - same thing. There is just a long long list of bad decisions that have been made by Obama & Co., and my thoughts are that a lot of them could be considered criminal or treasonous in nature.

  • Someone needs to introduce Obama to the terms "Fog of War" and "No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy." And tell him that putting the life of the wounded ahead of the lives of the rescuers is heroism not rash judgment.

  • No RobertW, sergeants don't run the military, they train the military, both enlisted and officers and if they had their way they'd shitcan dipshits like The One and the other one before they became problems.

    • well, the sergeants run the Army anyway. I know, because I just looked it up and there was a pdf file that says so. it's on the interwebz therefore it must be true.

      • I'll have to go check my 22 and 1/2 years worth of files. Somehow, I don't think I got to run all that much...to many lieutenants and captains.

        • hisham, I see that 500 admirals and generals are endorsing Romney. Is it possible that if Obama wins the election and continues us down the path toward totalitarianism that they would ever conspire to overthrow his administration as a domestic enemy of the consitution?

          I know there'd be riots in the streets, but the police and National Guards would handle those crowds.

          Your thoughts?

          • Ruben,

            I hate to jump in on your question to his ham. This is just my take on those that I know and have worked with and served under. All value this nation and will defend it. If they see a totalitarian state on the very near horizon, they will challenge it. As will most that have served and or are serving. It is well known among those who are in active duty under this man, that they are just canon fodder for what ever screw balled scheme he can cook up. Look at the way those who are in Afghanistan and are injured who need the speedy evacuation from an engagement. They are left bleeding and pleading for the choppers to come and get them. Only to have to wait and hope that they dont die before they arrive.

            Sorry to have jumped in.

          • They didn't have to wait even in Viet Nam. Hueys flew pretty much 24/7 to get the wounded out. And that may have been the most ill conceived war in American history up to that time!

          • Me too, from over here lurking on the sidelines, watching. Just read another thing the other day about the dust off teams rules being changed and people dying but wasn't sure of the source so didn't say anything. But if you know of it from the inside I'll move the issue from the eye on folder to follow up tab. See if I can find it again, I remember it being pretty harsh on the President and Panetta.

          • Had the local radio on for going on an hour or so, you all check from where you are, but... follow Butler! and Hamilton County returns when trying to figure Ohio later.

            Can get a Richmond, Indiana AM station here too, Lib format but reading 'tween the lines, that's looking good too. Come ON people, go vote.

          • You're 'sposed to smile in those expensive studio portraits. Oh, nevermind, sosorry, my mistake. (spider payback #4)

  • You are absolutely correct Mr. Editor! It cracks me up when I hear DEM talking heads excuse it out by saying he was in the "fog of war." They have no clue what that means. Having a shimp coctail in Las Vegas with your union thugs is not the fog of fricking war!!!