Vancouver crack pipe vending machines


This week’s sign of the impending Apocalypse: Vancouver, British Columbia, has installed crack pipe vending machines to give drug users access to inexpensive, durable, crack pipes that won’t “chip and cut drug users’ mouths.”

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (17)

  • I'm saddened nearly as much by a crack smoker with a cut lip as I was about the recent movie star who died with a needle in his arm.

  • "you have to have safe spaces to use your drug of choice, and you have to have safe and clean supplies."

    Oh goody. Hey Canada, help me find a nice safe place with a name like Murphy's Tavern where I can enjoy my drug of choice, Lucky Strikes, I'm tired of having to smoke stuck in a back alley like a criminal. Correction: WORSE than a criminal, criminals seem to have a right to indulge their criminal addictions.

  • Okay so allow me to rant at this stupid shit..Have any of you ever seen (Up close) what Crack Heads look like? Covered in sores, no teeth or teeth falling out, burned fingers and lips, dirty, skinny, often infected with Hep or some other wonderful malady like TB, and they are wacked beyond believe. I have seen guys pull down their pants and start masturbating in a holding cell, licking the walls, eating garbage, attacking others for no reason, they don't even know who they are, prostitution is rampant, all for a 10 dollar rock, and a lot of them die in places like alleys, and under bridges....Now WTF is the sense of encouraging that because they might cut their lip? Do you really think that is a big f*cking concern to a crack head? They could care less.. You know the powers that be keep worrying about how much soda we drink, how many cigarettes wen smoke and where we can smoke, how much we eat, yet they encourage this crack-monsters..This is one of the most utterly stupid things I have ever seen in my entire life. And the person who thought this up needs to spend a couple weeks on the street cleaning up feces from crack monsters and picking them up when they are dead. F*cking liberal loons...they just don't get it and never will, sometimes I think crack monsters are smarter then a liberal...

    • I used to work with a crack-head who would tell us all how he's "like Superman" when he's on crack. (Couldn't be any worse than that "Man of Steel" movie, I suppose.)

      His eyes were bloodshot and they wiggled as you talked to him. He was creepy.

      It was very much like listening to someone who's possessed by a devil, and, really, what's the difference? Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe.

  • They're smoking crack. Wikipediment says "Freebasing can also refer to the consumption by smoking of free base cocaine (crack cocaine) or heroin. Freebasing became popular in the United States during the 1980s, mainly because of the fear of diseases such as HIV and viral hepatitis, since users did not have to share hypodermic needles."

    Are they still worrying about HIV and all the other diseases wikipediment says is the reason they're using crack? Apparently glass pipes don't offer the safety over hypodermic syringes the thinkers among them suggested, especially if they use them even after the glass cuts their mouths.
