Visit LA.

Visit LA. An experience you’ll never forget. Especially if you catch Typhus.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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  • Who are all these lost souls? Where do they come from? They can't be illegals cuz illegals get free shit and live well compared to these wretched people. I've lived in NYC for 21 years now and sure, we have homeless, but I've never seen anything here that comes close to this. I'm not complementing de Blasio when I say that, because it has gotten worse here compared to 10 years ago, but again, it's nothing like LA, SF or Portland, Seattle. I would like to see some stats on these folks. Betting the larger % are drug addicts with criminal records. But, what are the other demographic components? Why don't the local pols at least start a program whereby these homeless are given jobs with municipal sanitation so they clean up their own shit and maybe find a place, off the streets, to live? Here in NY there is a program called Ready Willing and Able.

    Yeah, I know.. there's the "willing" part.

    The local "leaders" should be ashamed! This is just appalling!

    • The majority are drug addicts and people who want to be homeless, and the mentally ill. Kalifornia gives them free shit so we get all the dregs of society migrating here which is what the criminals who run the state want, so they can "ballot Harvest" and pay these losers cash for votes. Very few are people who are actually homeless through no fault of their own. Trust me 20 plus years as a cop, you see it every day.

      • Hey! Maybe Disneyland can set up a Homeless ride. Robots who look like bums can poop on the sidewalk while your having lunch, you can have a rat ride that shows the homeless camps from a rats point of view..and a Urine water park area, and a garbage pit ride...

  • The Dem-run big cities along the west coast are so overrun with homeless now, I don't see how there can possibly be a solution. They took a minor problem as it was thirty years ago and turned it into a giant problem that cannot be solved. After three decades of basically encouraging homelessness, they have tens--probably hundreds--of thousands of homeless. And they basically own the streets. What can you do at this point?

  • They didn't show anyone shitting on the street like San Francisco...If I can't see all the "attractions" why go? I just saw a video of people at an outdoor restaurant eating their meal and a homeless tweaker comes up and takes a dump right next to the folks "enjoying" their meal....Kalifornia is now officially a Third world "shithole"...My wish is that some of the hollywierd folks get to catch a third world illness like the plague...