Starbucks CEO Says Stores Are No Longer Safe in Democrat-Run Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, L.A., D.C.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz

Starbucks CEO Says Stores Are No Longer Safe in Democrat-Run Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, L.A., D.C. Talk about go woke – go broke, this putz doesn’t even realize his liberalism is part of the cause.

“I must say, in my view at the local, state and federal level, these governments across the country and leaders, mayors and governors, city councils have abdicated their responsibility in fighting crime and addressing mental health,” Schultz said in a video posted on Twitter.

Earlier in the week, Starbucks announced store closures in four Democrat-run states and the District of Columbia.

Rodents run riot! Rats and fleas carrying deadly typhus infection are plaguing LA City Hall

Rodents run riot! Rats and fleas carrying deadly typhus infection are plaguing LA City Hall. What happens when the Democrats are in charge? We go back to the 1300’s. That’s progressive.

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